A Vindication of Chymistry and Chymical Medicines


Richard Fletcher

London - 1676

A vindication of chymistry, and chymical medicines Courteous and candid reader, chymistry, is an art that doth both teach and inable us (for our exceeding good and benefit) to seperate purity from impurity;

Courteous and Candid Reader,

CHYMISTRY, is an ART that doth both teach and inable us (for our exceed∣ing good and benefit) to seperate Purity from Impurity; Exalt and advance what God and Nature hath given us, to a farther and higher Perfection than we receive it indewed with. For all Bodyes, more or less, partake of the Grossness and Terrestriety of their Matrixes: But after their essential purities are sepe∣rated from that Terrestriety adhering, which they drew from their Matrixes, they make it plain en∣ough by their powerful effects, that it is to this state they ought to be reduced, before they work with Ef∣ficacy; and yet they still retain their Character and Internal Idea.

Now if we shall well and truly consider it; what have we in this curious Nice Age, either for Back or Belly, Pleasure or Necessity, that hath not in some kind

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or other been oblidged to Chymistry, and its benefi∣cial Operations, for that perfection we receive it in? What Calling may be said to have attained to the per∣fection and hight it now Glories in, without its help in some one or other of its (more sublime or tri∣vial Operation.

Consider our Bread our Beer, Wine, Meat, &c. Or whatever can render our lives happy or satisfactory: And you will find it in one degree or other to pass un∣der the hand of Chymistry, and its various Opera∣tions, or Preparations. And can we then be thus In∣sensibly led to admit its dayly help and assistance in things of smallest value; and can we be so stupid, dull, ignorant and blind, as to neglect its assistance in things of greater moment and concern? And not only neglect its friendly advice, but deny its pro∣fitable hand in those things, which above all others we most need its help in? Nay, we do not only deny it makes us happy; but we seek by all means possible to disgrace, slander, and make it (and its Professors) con∣temptible and odious to the whole world. Doubt∣less these are great follies, and we declare our selves either very ignorant, or else very Malitious and self∣ended.

Can we with ease and content, admit and allow its favours, (and greedily seek after them) to improve and maintain our Purses and Pleasure, and cannot we admit and embrace its help for the preservation of our Health; without which the other will be of little be∣nefit, and less pleasure? Consider, if Nature be weak∣ned and oppressed, that she cannot accept of her usual and accostomed Food; so as she would, and ought to dispose of it for the supply of her Spirits, and main∣taining of her Habitation; and if she cannot in her ordinary course, so play the Chymist, as usual: Doubt∣less,

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she is less able to do it, in that which the very name, as well as the nature of it, makes her utterly to abhor, and reject; and if she be not strong en∣ough to seperate the Essenses of her dayly and accu∣stomed Food, how shall she Extract any thing from her Physick (if given gross) that may give her that re∣relief, which her present condition requires and calls for? She [viz. Nature] hath a double work to per∣form: First, to Extract the Essential part (and to make use of it) and secondly to cast off the Gross as an enemy.

It would doubtless, therefore (in this ease) be far better to save her the labour of seperation in this her weakned condition: For although Nature her self when in health, can digest her Food (when Dressed) and seperate the Alimental parts to her self, (and make use of it for Sustentation) and cast off the Gross as useless: Yet her Medicines must be Pure, Digested and seperated, and fited for her use: for if she can∣not Digest her Food, then not Gross Medicines; her Food when in health may be Gross, because she can dispose of it to advantage; but when Diseased, her Physick must be pure, seperated and fit for her use, viz. To Joyn with the Spirit, or Natural life in man. And in this the Physician is rightly stiled, Natures Hand∣maid; but not for loading her with more Impurities, but in assistng and helping her to cast off Impurities, by that which is Pure. For of Necessity, either the Phy∣sician or Nature must officiate, or act as Chymist, be∣fore she can have, or receive what she calls for, and re∣quires for her help and assistance. Who therefore not drowned in Ignorance and Envy, would so strong∣ly oppose so great a Good as Chymistry is Author of?

For this is the only Art (which by supplying us out of the light of Nature, with Convenient means and particular

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Natures to seperate the pure from the impure) will teach us: First, to heal all Diseases of the Macrocosmical sub∣stances, and afterwards by examples and experiments de∣duced from those exteriour Cures, will shew us the right and infallible Cure of Diseases in our own Bodies. He that knows not how to purge and heal Metals, how can he re∣store the decay'd, or weakned Radical Balsom in Man, and repair it by Comfortable and Concordant Medicines, to perform perfectly all its appointed functions; which must necessarily be put into action, before any Disease can be ex∣pelled: He that knew not what that is in ♁, which purges Gold, how can be come by an effectual and Wholsome Me∣dicine that will purge and cast out those Extrarious pec∣cant causes that afflict and destroy the Body of Man? He that knows not how to fix Arsenick, or to take away the Cor∣rosive nature of a Sublimate, or to Coagulate Sulphureons Spirits; and by a convenient Specifical Medium to break and dissolve Stones in the greater World, will never in the body of man allay and tame the Arsenical Spirits of the Microcosmic Salt, nor take away the Venimous indisposi∣tions of Sulphur, nor dissolve the Stone in the Bladder, and drive it out being dissolved. Now as the Antient Phylosophers; who knew Nature indeed, obtained their noble Medicines by the strict and exact observation of Nature in her own path; how that kind was mul∣tiplied by kind, and without putrifaction there could be no Generation: And as they found excellent Me∣dicines, by doing all things in the Metallick Kingdom according to the possibility of Nature: So if you would have a Medicine indeed, although inferiour to theirs, whether of the Mineral, Animal, or vegetable kingdom, you must proceed in the same method; for as kind is multiplyed by kind, and not without putre∣faction; so if you will exalt any concrete to make it a friendly Medicine, it must be in Natures path; Kind

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with kind, and that by putrifaction. For the absolute things requisite to one that would conscionably under∣take the Sick; are first to know how to unlock those Medicinal Bodies which the Almighty hath created, and how to prepare them, and when, and to whom to ap∣ply them; and also how to order and dispose the Pa∣tient, so as that he may reap that good from them, which by carefull administration of them is expected. And thus will a little quantity of such a well prepared Medicine, manifest it self in the powerful operating and friendly assisting of Nature, to cast off her Enemies (viz. Diseases) with speed and safety. But on the contrary, how loathsome is the very name of (gross and ill prepared Physick unto debilitated Nature! And what's the reason? Doubtless, the hard task she hath had put upon her by it, and even when she is least able to perform it, and hath more need of succour, than of a farther trouble.

Alas, how shall she receive so great a portion of loathsom Medicines, being weak when even in the greatest of her strength she would (not only) be troubled to take (but also at the sight of) it! and this from a secret sense and antipathy, her natural life or spirit hath against its nausceating, and dull Quality, as well as the greatness of its Quantity.

Then certainly Nature hath no greater help, nor better remedy, then that true and friendly Spagerick Art or seperater of the Impure, from the Pure and Me∣dicinal part, that so renders it apt, and fit, for her more easie and friendly Reception. Why then should any so Obstinately oppose so clear a truth, and so great a Good as this Excellent Art of Chymistry, in the pre∣paration of Medicines (if compared with the other gross, sluggish and ineffectual foundation of Physick) or why do the Galenists cry out against others in things

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they understand not? Or why do they Envy us, and speak against our Art, (by which we prepare Pure and harmless Medicines) and yet make use of those un∣natural Chymical Medicines, prepared by the power of violent corrosive Fires, Destructive to Nature.

Our way of preparing vegetable specificks, is by friendly Dissolvents as are in themselves agreeable to the Nature of the thing acted upon, so that in sepera∣tion the whole Essence of the Concrete is preserved both volatile and fixed, in Odour, Taste and Collour, and the Drossy gross part cast away.

I say why do they make use of Oyl of Vitrial Salt Brimstone, and that dangerous Vomit ♀ Vitae prepa∣red of that high Exalted Poyson, viz. Oyle, or Butter of ♁ also why do they use, Crocus Metallorum, prepar∣ed Steel, Crocus Martis, Flos Sulph. Lapis Inferna∣lis, ☿ Dulcis (falsly so called) Sacharum ♄, Tar∣bith Minerals (that hellish fluxing Preparation of Mercury) with many other of those churlish un∣natural ℞ in the London Dispensatory: Also why do they use Chymical Oyls, and Salts of Herbs, Seeds, Berries, Spices, Barke, Woods, Wax, Rozins, Minerals and Stones▪ with their Compound and simple Distilled Waters, all unnaturally seperated from their other parts, or principles, as their late learned unlearned W. calls them.

Doth Nature use these Fires in producting these Na∣tural subjects they thus work upon? (No) Neither must her Children in their Art of Melioration. She uses Fire 'tis true, but 'tis her own, and it is she that furnishes the true Son of Art with his Fire, which is Gentle. Does she seperate the Salt Sulphur and Mer∣cury, (in her Acts of Generation) and afterwards joyn them again. No, she Ferments, Putrifies, Digests, Vi∣vifies and performs all her work and acts of Generation,

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with one only Fire which Varies the Species according to the Matrix, &c. What can you Gentlemen say for your selves, that have followed the subtile Doctrine of the Athenians, rather then the plain path of Nature, but do you glory in the Art of your Masters. We will rejoyce in the works of our Tutress Nature, whose Excellency will appear as well by reason, as dayly Ex∣perience.

Consider, what is it that gives Eminency and Per∣fection, to any one thing we esteem as Excellent; we shall find that it is the Purity of it, and that either in the Animal, Vegetable, or Mineral Nature: If we consider then what we are speaking of, viz. Medi∣cines prepared Chymically; we must also conclude its Efficacy and Excellency to proceed from its Purity, or Purified Nature. Let us (I say) consider what it is for, it is to help and restore decayed Nature and her languishing Spirit. Now this Spirit is the most subtile part of Man (I mean not the Rational Soul) therefore no way to be assisted, but by that which is of Purity and likeness with it (viz. Medicines of a subtile penetrating Nature.)

The Consideration of Nature will tell you, what her Medicines ought to be, and a true consideration of such Medicines, will teach and tell you, what Nature is, so that the quality of the one will inform you what the Nature and Essence of the other ought to be; for the Physician must (if he will Cure a Disease) Administer his Medicines to the Spirit, be∣cause the Spirit is the sole Dispencer of Guifts to all the parts and faculties of the body; now as to the Qua∣lity of the Midicines you ought to use for Natures re∣lief, and assistance, is, that they ought to be of most subtile and thin parts. Therein lyes the excellency of Chymical Medicines, above others, this Art being able

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to Exalt the most dull and inactive Medicines, to the greatest of subtility, and far beyond what nature pre∣sents them to us in. Nor doth it thus Exalt their Purity and Efficacy, as to Cure all Diseases both in∣ward and outward only, but Renders the Medicine it self Incorruptible also: whilst the best of Galenical (Mixtures) will hardly keep a year. How then should these poor Dirty, Drossy Medlies, answer those great Ends they Administer them for? And how shall they root out inveterate, fixed and Chronick Diseases? How shall they purifie the Impure, or help the In∣firm, who are not Cured of their own Crude, corrupt and infirm condition?

If any shall here object, that the Galenick Medi∣cines are safe and the Chymical quickly Cure, or quickly Kill: Let such objecters know, that they grant, and add more to the praise of Chymistry and Chymical Me∣dicines then they are aware of; for nothing can quick∣ly Cure but what is Efficacious, and fitted for so great a good, which nothing can be, that is not in some measure pure and like unto the nature it shall so assist. Herein do they unawares affirm the Excellency of such Medicines: and then to those that suggest, they as suddainly Kill, I must thus answer them, that they can∣not Kill, if administred by skilful Operators (as those must be that know their true preparation) for as Fire will warm at a fit distance; yet if any man shall (to warm another) apply a red hot Iron to his flesh, it will burn him▪ So water will wash a man clean, (if dirtied) and he therefore unadvisedly leap into a deep Well, he may be Drowned. Wine will cheer the heart, if moderately taken, yet many by excess have Killed themselves; but this cannot be attributed to the dangerous, or Killing quality of the Wine, as Wine. So these Medicines we know, use and extoll, if administred,

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or taken by Pints, may destroy Life: But if taken by Drops, Drams, or Spoonfulls, in their Vehicles, they Enliven and help nature to Conquer her Enemies, viz. Diseases. When other Gross, Sluggish and ill pre∣pared Nauseating Mixtures, serve only to stuff up the body (already too much obstructed) with such quan∣tities, which rather hinder then further her own ope∣ration, and also to rob Nature of that praise due to her (and the Author ofher) when she hath overcome, both the evil of the Disease, and such Medicines.

Now having briefly (and I hope to the satisfaction of every unbyased and candid Reader) vindicated Chy∣mistry, and true Chymical Medicines;

I shall also with the like brevity, give the Reader an account of some Excellent Useful Chymical Medicines prepared by me; which may be of great benefit to all Honest Physicians, Chyrurgions, Apothecaries, Midwives, and others who design good, and desire to be serviceable to their Generation.

A Catalogue of Chymical Medicines prepared by Richard Fletcher, Living at the Sun in Gutter-lane near Cheap-side London.

Essence of Southernwood, resists Poyson, kills Worms, provokes Urine, strengthens the Stomack, and Cures Surfets. Essence of Wormwood doth the same.
Essence of Agrimony, helps infirmities of the Liver, Pissing of Blood, and Inward Wounds.
Essence of M. Mallows, easeth pains of the Store.
Essence of Marjoram, Cures Diseases of the Brain.
Essence of Angelica, resists Poyson, cheers the Heart.
Essence of Dill and Fenel, Breeds Milk, stays Vomiting.

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...Essence of Magwort, appropriated to Women; as also, is
Essence of Arrach, Germander, and Peneroyal.
Essence of Betony, Dissolves the Stone.
Essence of Briony, Cures Dropsies, and Falling-sickness: so doth Dwarf Elder.
Essence of Centaury, Cures the Yellow Jaundice; the same doth Succory and Endive.
Essence of Comfry, and Clery, Strengthens Weak Backs.
Essence of Couslip-flowers, Cures Palsies.
Essence of Arsmart, is wonderful in the Stone.
Essence of of Hysop, Cures Coughs and Soar-throats.
Essence of St. Johns Wort, Cures all Cureable Wounds, both Inward and Outward to Admiration.
Essence of Lavender, Cures Falling-sickness, and easeth all Pains in the Head, Cures Deafness.
Essence of Laurel and Bay-Berries, Cures Diseases of the Womb and Bladder, Expels Wind, Cures Plurisies.
Essence of Featherfew, is a singular Womb Remedy.
Essence of Melilot, a wonderful friendly Dissolver of the Stone, and Cleanser of the Reins and Bladder.
Essence of Bame, Mints, and Rosemary, are wonderful re∣novating Medicines.
Essence of Tobacco, is excellent to Cure old Soars.
Essence of Rue and Savin, Kills Worms, Cures Pleurisies, Expels Birth, and After-birth.
Essence of Sage, is an excellent Medicine for Women to help them to go out their full time.
Also Essence of Tansie is the same.
Essence of Colts-Foot, Cures Coughs, Shortness of Breath.
Essence of Scurvy-Grass, Horse-Redish, Water-Cresses, and Broom, Cures the Scurvy and Dropsie.
Essence of Chamomel, Cures Pleurisies and Stone.
Essence of Saffron, powerfully corrects and expels Poy∣son, Cures Feavers, Consumptions, and drives out all offensive matter by Sweat and Urine; and is ex∣cellent

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in the Small-pox, Measles, and all Pestilential Diseases, and is a very great Cordial. The same is Essence of Clove-Gilliflowers.
Essence of Elder-flowers, Cures Dropsies, the Stone, and opens Obstructions of the Liver, Spleen and Womb.
Essence of Walnuts, kills Worms, resists the Pestilence, Cures Convulsions.
Essence of Nutmegs, Cloves, Mace, and Cinamon, Streng∣thens the Brain.
Essence of Barberries, Quench Thirst.
Essence of Corriander, Gramwell, Cardamom-seeds, kills Worms, expels Wind, provokes Urine.
Essence of Benjamin, and Stirax, helps Coughs, Hoarse∣ness and want of Voice, and clears the Skin.
Essence of Pearl, Coral, Amber, and Amber-grees, are wonderful Restoratives; and Cures all Diseases in∣cident in Women.
Antiscorbutick Powder and Essence.
Antivenerial Powder and Essence.
Stone Dissolving Powder and Essence.
A Powder which causes Speedy Delivery in VVomen, a VVomb Essence.
These Excellent Specificks, are all prepared by proper Dissolvents, by which the Volatile and fixed parts are presverved with their Odour, Tincture and Colour, so that what Nature is best pleased with, is here fitted for her reception, that she may dis∣pose of them, for those great uses and ends they were designed, &c.


I have not given you a full relation of the uses and Vertues of those before mentioned Essences. There∣fore I add this;

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Whatever is, or may be attributed to any Vegetable, the same and more may be attributed to the Essence of that Vegetable, for by how much it is exalted in Puri∣ty; by so much it ecceeds in Vertue and Excellency.

And as these noble Remedies are Purer, (then the other common Gross Mixtures, which are usually given in great quantities) so must their Dose, viz. 5. 10. 15. or 20 Drops in VVine, Beer, Ale, Sider.

Tee, Coffee, or Broth, 3 or 4 times a day, that the active penetrating subtile parts of the Medicine, may expel the Evil, Obnoxious Diseasy Matter, and so re∣store decayed strength, and bring Nature again into her true Path, by which she may preserve the whole man in health.

Thus having hinted unto you the Excellencies of true prepared Vegetable Essences, and their safety above others: I shall also speak a little to Mineral Pre∣paration, and so conclude the first part.

Mineral Medicines have a more universal tendency then Vegetables, they being higher graduated in Na∣ture, and more fixed, and more locked up, and harder to come at, for prudent Nature hath put Bolts and Bars upon her best Jewels, and hath made strong Fences about them lest strangers should espay them, and steal them away, and make an ill use of them, and cry they are ours, and Nature shall obey us, she is our servant, and we will do what we please with her. Therefore she keeps the Keys of her Treasuries her self, but she will vouchsafe to lend them to such of her Children as are willing to be instructed by her, and will promise alwayes to walk in her path, and perform whatever she commands; I say, such a one, and no other, will she fet into her Chambers of Beauty and Riches, but he that hath her Keys, which are friendly Adjuncts, may open Mineral bodyes, and extract that solar tincture, which she hath

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planted in them; for it is this solar Tincture, which is so amicable to Nature; and Cures the most Radica∣ted Diseases, by Enlightning and Enlivening the na∣tural spirit, by which Nature comes both to see her Errours, and amend her Wayes; being thus enabled, not only to cast off all offending Matter formed in the body, but also changing those Venoms, the cause of such Matter•, and wiping off the Character of the same.

And such a Medicine as this, is my well known and often tryed Powder, called the Eagle of Metals: As also my little Powder viz. the Solar Dove, with which Medicines I have Cured many Diseases, accounted by the Proud Persecuting Colledge Incurable, as hundreds can witness (for me) in this City that I have Cured for Nothing; when they had Spent all they had to satisfie the unreasonable demands of those Physitians they then had made use of (by whom they were rendered more miserable then before) A further account of which I shall give you in my Bock of Cures, which God willing will speedily be Printed.

Now having attained to the Knowledge and Pre∣paration of such Medicines; is it not good reason I should have the liberty to use them (without Molesta∣tion) for the good of the Poor, and the Glory of God, the giver of every good and perfect Guift, to whom be Glory, Amen.

VVhatever I administer to another, I dare be oblidged to take the same Dose every day for a year, to prove the safety of my Medicines, and let every Physician do the like, if he dare trust to the safety of his, &c.

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Courteous Reader,

SUch is the Envy, Ignorance and Clandestine Art, and Subtile practice of many of the Pro∣fessors of Physick, Apothecaries, Chyrur∣gions and others of their friends and fond lovers of the blind Galenical Tribe, to instill into the minds of men a more then ordinary prejudice against Chymistry, and the Professors thereof: Exclaiming against the Art (because they understand it not) and branding the Artists with such marks of Infamy, (as if right took place) they themselves ought to bear; and only be∣cause they are Painfull, Studious and Industrious men, who labour in the field of Medicine with admirable Success: Hence it is, that they persecute us, and con∣sulting with Demetrius, find cause thus to reason. If this Sect prevail, our Craft by which we get our VVealth, will come to nothing; here lyes the stress of the matter: VVealth is that which they seek; and the Health of the Sick is sought by Chymical Physici∣ans. Thus Friendly Reader have I in brief stated the difference between a Mercenary Doctor, and a true Son of Art; that people may no longer mistake Sha∣dows for Substances, and through that errour may no longer be rendered willing to be deceived. I was willing to sustain this Labour and Charge; not in the

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least doubting, but that these Lines (if read without prejudice) may be of good effect to clear the under∣standings of most men: So, as henceforth they will be able better to judge of the common practice of Gale∣nical Physicians, and consequently for the future be less prejudiced against Chymical Practicioners, then heretofore they have been, &c.

I intend (God willing) hereafter to publish more small Peices of the same Subject.

From my house at the Sun in Gutter-lane near Cheap-side London, Octob. 29. 1676.


Quote of the Day

“It is necessary therefore to convert the bodies of metals into a fluid substance; for that every tincture will tinge a thousand times more in a soft and liquid substance, than when it is in a dry one, as is plainly apparent in saffron. Therefore the transmutation of imperfect metals is impossible to be done by perfect bodies, while they are dry and hard; for which cause sake they must be brought back into their first matter, which is soft and fluid. It appears therefore that the moisture must be reverted that the hidden treasure may be revealed. And this is called the reincrudation of bodies, which is the decocting and softening them, till they lose their hard and dry substance or form”


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