Conglutinatione Lapidis

Conglutination Lapidis.

From congelation and assembly.

Written by Ibn Sina (Avicenna)

Chapter 1.

The pure earth does not become a stone that it makes, no continuation or stability but the replayable. Then the dryness in it or in its regime does not indicate that it was glued or joined together. But the stones are glued together in two different ways and then glue the earth together in several ways. Then sometimes the first dung dries up and becomes something that there is a medium between the dung and the stones and then the stone becomes.

In some cases, however, the water prevails, the viscous but and glue-like dung is more convenient for this transformation because it is persistent.

People have also seen an earth on the sides of the flowing water Geon, which will be transformed into stones within the 33rd year.

But the water turns the stones into two different whites. One way or way is that the water feels like it is dripping down, the other is that the flowing water rises or settles in the upper part of the bottom of the same water and becomes a stone outside then there are certain places over which the The water that has been poured has been turned into stones that have different colors and the water that you receive and take from above is not congelated when you pour it close to the pit in which the river flows (alveum prope suum - a reservoir near his own). They congelate and become stones.

That is why we know that in the earth there is the same mineral force that congeliret the water, so the beginnings of the stone are either made of a solid and glue-based substance (lutæ & viscosa substantia) or of a substance in which it overcomes the congelated with a mineral force becomes or overcomes the earth in it that makes it congelate.

This is exactly how the Sal Armoniacum is congelated, but the earthly shape is not enough to transform the salt; the heat helps. But when the heat complies with it, it coagulates the salt with a hidden force and perhaps it will turn out of the cold dry earth and out of the water the earth will become when it overcomes the qualities of the earth.

But it is a thing that some ignorant people use when they have a dry one They want to coagulate something that is put together from two waters and they call it virgin milk which is its certain effect and effect. That is why the stones are made earthly by the heat of the sun from the excrement or from the coagulated water by the dry earth or from warm dried water.

Likewise , a number of vegetabilia and a number of animals are transformed into stones by the mineral power that makes stones (virtus lapidisicativa) and therefore in a stone-like orth or repugnance with a quick virtue that emanates from the earth in the hour of the earth bidem which there in the Stones are transformed so that in the same hour this transformation of the bodies of earth and the growing animals follows and which is related to them as the transformation of the waters.

But it is impossible that a complex thing wants to be completely transformed into an element, then the elementæ, and those that are now elemental, when they are transformed with one another, they go into a dominant one.

Therefore, what falls into a salt well becomes salt and what falls into the fire becomes fire, but some are more agile and some slower according to the power of those who do and work and according to the resistance of those who suffer. (resistentia passivarum. - passive resistance)

And there is a place in Arabia that ferbets all bodies with its color that arise in it. The bread has been turned into a stone near Torata and it doesn't matter whether its color remains. And such things are miracles because they rarely happen and yet their causes are obvious. The stones are also often removed from the stone when it is erased because it often happens that earthly and stone-like bodies fall with the lightning: (coruscatio) then the stone becomes cold and very dry because of its erasure.

And in Persia , with lightning or lightning, bodies of brass and the like fall with curved arrows and they cannot be melted, but they can evaporate through the fire into a smoke that, because of the moisture, is reduced to ashes.

There was also a piece of Eijsen at Lurgea that fell below the weight of 100. Marcarum, which was almost impossible to break because of its strength, but a piece of it was sent to the Riniegc Torati, who ordered that swords should be made out of it: but they didn't have it break nor be able to forge.

But the Arabs say that the Alemannic swords or rapiers are the best of them the same Eijsen were made.

But when the same lump fell, it was picked up several times from the earth until it became a ball, then it was made up of small pieces that hung together, the size of the grains of the big one. In the same way, these things should be accepted by those on earth, so the stones of which generation will either be quick due to the large amount of water that is added to the fat excrement or, mechanically, namely due to a lot of time. About the causes of the mountains or where they come from.

Chapter 2.

The mountains also sometimes become elevated due to an essential cause and sometimes through a coincidence other than an essential cause than the violent movement of the earth, the earth becomes elevated and therefore a mountain outside. Except for an inadvertent cause such as the winds or the waterways, this hollowing out and history always becomes a big thing out there, and that is why there is a big difference next to it and that is the primary cause of the mountains.

Some earths are also soft and some are hard. Because of this, the soft ones will be exalted by the waters and winds, the hard ones will remain and will therefore be a glory. Just as the creation of the mountains is history and happens, so it is with the stones then the water flow has fed them a glue-like excrement which dries up over time and becomes a stone and it is not far from being the case that it is not a mineral force which changes water into stones and that is why some of the aquatic animals and also others are found in many stones .

The mountains were made over a long period of time, as we said before, when they would not diminish and sink again. The real substance that is found there in the passages (eminentiis) is not from the material of the stones but from the material that is cut down from the mountains or is earthly or another substance that brings water and travels with the material and herbs that are mixed With the dung of the mountains or perhaps an old sea dung like a substance then some of it becomes a stone and some does not but it is softened and dissolved with a superior quality.

The sea runs down and in some places it rises, in some places it rises and sometimes it has the whole Earth covers it and therefore it breaks off some of it that is soft and some that is hard and it has brought these together and carried them in a number of places. The soft ones that were brought together also became dry because they were torn down and turned into mountains.

Of the four species or forms of the mineral bodies.

Chapter 3.

The mineral bodies are divided into four species, namely, melting things, sulphur, and salts. And some of these are thin substances and of a weak composition and some of them are not and of such a weak substance are some salts than those that melt from the moist in a short time as Alum Kalck and Sal Armoniacum.

And some are fat and don't easily melt from the moisture alone as Sulphur, Auripigmentum. But the Argentum vivum is of the other part, whether it is an element that can be drawn or is the same as many things that can be drawn. But you can do everything that you want to melt, and you usually don't want to melt the things that you can't pull, but they can't be made soft without a lot of force.

And the material of which one can draw is a watery substance mixed with the earthly substance with a strong mixture: and neither can be separated from the other and its watery substance is congruent with the Celt after the action of the waters in the same which is an epthesis .

And an example is the wine that is not yet frozen (gelavit nondum - it has not yet frozen) because of its fatness and that's why it doesn't brew.

But the materia of the stone reals. Of the mineral substances that are not water, they freeze not only from the water but also with the dryness: which changes the water into the earth: and there is not too much fatty moisture in them and that is why they are not drawn and because their coagulation is out Due to the dryness, it is usually not easily solved without the understanding that the natural thing solves (nisi per ingenia, naturalia solventia) but the alum and salarmoniacum are of the gender and type of salt then a part of the fewr in the sale armoniaco is larger then the earths.

Therefore it is completely sublimated and it is water which is mixed with a warm and subtle smoke host and which is very fewricht (multæ igneitatis fumus) Coagulated from the dryness. The watery nature from the sulfur light onwards is mixed with the earth through a strong mixture with the heat of the earth until it became fat and then coagulated by the Celt.

But the dints are made from salt, sulfur and stones and in them there is a mineral power of several bodies that can be melted and which are made from them and come from them: as Calcamentum, and Alachar which are created from the larger grains of the dints and is not solved then its saltiness with the sulfur light in the same then it is coagulated and that now composes a mineral power from several bodies. What therefore takes on the power of iron will be red or saffron in color, as Alathar, but what takes on the power of brass will be green: therefore it is possible that both of these will be done by art .

Argentum vivum is like water that is mixed with the earth which is very subtle and sulfur light with a strong mixture until it does not rest on the flat superficie and this is because of the great dryness that is in it and therefore it does not hang on anything it touches . And his whiteness is beyond the clarity of the water and beyond the whiteness of the subtle earths that are in him.

Its actual nature and propriety is that it was coagulated from the vapor of the sulphur , and perhaps in this way it is easily excited by the lead or from the vapor of the sulphur. But look at it and it seems that Argentum vivum, and what is like it, is an element of all melting things when they are melted they are transformed into it, but they are not melted until they become warm and when they are melted they appear reddish.

But the lead is undoubtedly Argentum vivum, when it is melted it melts but not before it gets warm and when it is melted it is transformed into a color that is more than a compt and measured to all terrible things, namely a fairy reddish and that's why the Argentum vivum is mixed with the same bodies that it is of their substance.

But the same bodies are distinguished from him in their composition in the same way in which the Argentum vivum is distinguished from those that are like him are and through the mixtures that are mixed with them until they are congelirt. And when the Argentum vivum will be pure, such Congelirn will be the power of the white sulfur that does not burn and that is the best thing that those who work or deal with Alchimia can find and who transform it into silver .

When the sulfur will be pure and the best will be clear with redness and there will be a force of bad fire in it so that it will not burn, it will be the best thing that the alchemists will be able to find that they will make gold from it.

Then these things turn it around when the Argentum vivum becomes a good substance and the sulfur becomes impure because there is a burning power in it, which will turn it into brass, but when the Argentum vivum becomes evil and impure and earthly and the sulphurous substance also becomes impure But the tin can be seen as having good Argentum vivum, but bad sulfur, and these are not well ground up but only as made up of small and small ones and that is why it is not such the Argentum vivum but the coarse lead is not good important and dirty and its sulfur is also bad, smelly and weak: that's why it does n't get well congelirt (gelatur) and the art masters make the gelation almost equally artificially, even though what is made out of art is not like the natural ones and also do not have certain equals: and that is why he believes that the natural composition occurs in this way or that it is even close to it.

But art is weaker than nature and does not follow it, even if it tries as hard as it does. But the art masters of the Alchemy should know that the species or shapes of things cannot be transmuted and changed but they can make them like them by grinding the raw material with citrine so that it looks like gold and the white with a color where they want to bite it very like gold or ore. Then also wash off the impurity of the lead, but it will always be lead, even though it is the same as silver.

But then other qualities and forms will be created in it, so that people will be mistaken and deceived than those who take salt and salt armoniacum. What concerns the other (cæterum) is that Namely, the Specifica differentia was taken up and taken away by the understanding, I believe it is impossible and it is nothing that one complexion is transformed into the other then the same ones that are understood are not a difference so that the species is transformed sensibilia is a non sunt differentia qua mutantur species but they are coincidences and abilities created their differences but have never been recognized then because the difference has been hidden and unknown, how can one know whether it will be taken away or not? or how would he like to be opened?

But the deprivation of coincidences as haze and colors as weight or just their reduction is certainly possible: then reason does not stand against this, but the proportion or comparison of the same substantiarum will not be the same in all. That's why this one cannot be transformed into that one, it will then perhaps be brought back into its primam material and that they were then transformed into something else that was then present, but not through the melting alone, but in addition there are a number of external things.

End of the Mineralium of Avicennæ.

Quote of the Day

“Others are with great diligence imploy'd in the vegetable Kingdom, especially in wine for the unprofitable Magistery.”


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