Anno 1546.
That I will not be left in my grave, but that they will lay me out of my grave again towards tomorrow, and I tell you: three great treasures are hidden, as one in Minden in Friuli, the other between Swabians and Bavarians, I won't name the place, to prevent great evil and bloodshed, the third between Spain and France, and those who are granted it will thereby be led to such a triumph, that's why will surprise everyone.
Item, at the treasure between Swabia and Bavaria you will find extremely experienced art books, including precious stones and also Carfunnel.
Here I write about the age of those who are gifted with them and will find them. As: the first of his age 32 years, the other 50 years, the third 28 years.
And are to be found soon after the departure of the Austrian Empire , and it will happen that at the same time a yellow lion will come out of midnight, which will follow the eagle and over time surpass it. He will also take control of the whole of Europe and part of Asia and Africa .
He will be a Christian of good teaching, to whom everything will soon be approved. First he will have a lot of trouble getting the eagle's claws out of the kingdom, and before that happens, great confusion and many adversities will arise in all lands.
The subjects will strive against their own masters so that great rebellion will be aroused, but the head will remain and the wickedness will be punished. It will not remain with him, but a great fire will arise, and great destruction will be caused by it, but God will stand by the righteous and help them, so that people will accept it with fear, which will make what is dead alive again.
The enemies of Christ will appear powerful, and they will bring great destruction with them, so that it will appear as if we are all over. Now when the enemy is in his highest happiness, God Almighty, through a small group that will follow the strong lion from midnight, will cruelly completely exterminate him and his clergy , but many will be converted and remember his name and believe omnipotence.
Now if this lion of the eagle When he receives the scepter, everyone will look at it and follow him, this one will be powerful, and his subjects, who do not know him now, will receive him with great joy .
Furthermore, that the above-mentioned treasure is found between Swabians and Bavarians, which is more powerful in terms of wealth than the 12th kingdoms, and there is also a Carfunckel there, like an egg that no emperor can pay for. But the other treasure, between Spain and France, is indeed very large and powerful, but the previous one is far greater than that, and will be revealed after the entrance of the lion, which will come from midnight, which will carry and lead the eagle, and Then it will first be remembered who I, Theophrastus, was.
When the announced lion of midnight has completed its course and has, as it were, dulled the eagle's claws , then peace and harmony will come everywhere.
But before that [...] signs will be sent that the preceding messengers will announce the coming of the Lord. I ask one more thing , Theophrastus, that you all do not blame me for revealing and denouncing in the daytime, because I cannot go against God's will, and I also have to carry out his will in nature.
The fact that this treasure far surpasses the others , in reported places between Swabia and Bavaria, than in a secret place, lies my highest secret art, as the right translation metallorum, of the shortest way, the universal of the plusquamperfecti revered Auri potabilis & lapidis Philosophorum.
If now it is God's gift to find this and to unlock the first door, he will find a Carfunnel stone in this place, along with other precious stones , and it will lie locked in a cloth made with human hands, everything is made of nothing but precious stones and gold, but the key lies on it and is buried in a gold coffin, and the gold one in a silver coffin, and the silver one in a tin coffin, and lies in a place that God wanted to have here .
But God Almighty will give him who finds this happiness and victory in all things, strengthening him with his divine power and giving him power, so that all evil will be suppressed and all good will be revealed and that will be profitable, thereby also the mighty things may be attained , through the God through whom the world was created, who made them can also break again, also through the Son and Holy Spirit, who God be highly praised for eternity, Amen.
Actum Saltzburg, 1546.
Quote of the Day
“there is in every Metallick species, equally as in Gold and Silver, a simple and single Sulphur, which is termed Quick-silver”
Bernard Trevisan
The Answer of Bernardus Trevisanus, to the Epistle of Thomas of Bononia
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