Whoever wants to conquer this glory of the world
Becomes a Philosopher and he will enjoy it
Because philosophy in everything will lead him,
To the height of the virtues with which nature abounds
From him at night of error on which
blind opinion is founded in vain it will dissipate
And the truth the day will clarify
Pulling it out of the body of the round machine, 1
So making it see this so desired good
Of the ancient Sages, which makes man assured,
To live happily more than one could believe,
And still showing him that at this price they will have
Other goods are nothing, all that is not
of the universal world; have honor and glory.
Like the beautiful rising of the vermillion Aurora
Removes the shady veil of aerial void,
Little by little discovering the earthly globe,
By its golden rays with which the sky she honors.
Also when the clarity of the highest knowledge decorates,
The mind developed from the ancient fog,
With vulgar doctrine, it sees everything and is nothing
So secret can it be in the world that it ignores
the grave of imposture and error the refuit
As the Owls do, the Sun chases away night.
And cannot bear the ardor of his knowledge,
He walks by his right hand for the length of days,
Wealth and honor in the left, and always
Follows for assured guide the hearth of Sapience.
Beautiful Dawn God keep you, God keep you, beautiful Aurore,
Who with your rozine fingers, placing a rich finery
On your blond head that many a pearl honors,
Make on our horizon shine a new day !
A thousand little Zephyrs, which from the pleasant purple
of your divine mouth, breathe gracefully,
Dissipate from our air a frightful mass
of dark clouds which cloud our eyes.
Those of past ages, who, beneath many
thin veils, revealed a dull light,
Feeling in your beautiful day releasing their stars
Hiding their dark darkness forever.
From the edge of the east you extend to us charitable
A brilliant hand which lifts us to the Heavens,
And gives us the key, which alone and true,
Opens the stores of your precious goods.
From the sparkling fingers of this sacred hand,
Gemstone beauties pass from those of Kings,
For from their clear jewels the golden light
Are from the glowing hearths the signal brightness.
My learned de Linthaut who restores the world,
Of these last centuries the unparalleled Phoebus
Is the brilliant Sun which gives birth to the Dawn.
And you beautiful Aurora giving birth to the Sun
But may you long delight us with joy,
Being in the wise light; to the depths of darkness,
And may in your Author, a height of jubilation
Dispute victory with Eternity.
Christ, by Gamon.
O Almighty God, since through your Infinite goodness he has asked you to reveal to us this Holy and admirable Secret of nature, we very humbly beg you that it pleases you not to leave us so intoxicated with your goods and blind in this darkness. mortals who considered ourselves to have achieved this great and marvelous effect of not having our only labor and capacity without knowing that you revealed it to us, and if you had not pushed us and raised our hearts to you and made the grace to communicate it to us by your Holy Spirit that we would never have achieved it also allow us to be so proud, that we only dare to think that this good came from us, because our condition is so imbecile, that we we are totally unworthy,but make us recognize that we would have always remained in darkness without being able to achieve this Knowledge, nor Enjoy the marvelous effects of this admirable Secret, if by your customary pity you had not Illuminated us with the rays of your Divine clarity, please also to your son very powerful that enjoying incredible treasures of this great Science and keeping ourselves healthy and disposed by its marvelous virtues we do not come to lose our spirit and that puffed up with vain glory we do not rise so high that blaspheming against your Holy majesty we think no longer have to make you alive without any necessity, as do the superb glorious ones who in their prosperity do not recognize your greatness and your majesty unless they fall in extreme necessity, among whom are desperate for your salvation,and seeing that only your power can come to them for the last refuge, invoke your holy name to deliver them from the miserable calamities which oppress them, but on the contrary give us this grace that in the midst of so much prosperity and abundance treasures that you have given us by your Incredible largesse at all times, with Heart and mouth we recognize having received them from your hand, so that we continually give you praise and glory, always having this before our eyes, that all just as you created in a moment all things from nothing, you can also in the twinkling of an eye reduce everything to nothing and strip us of all these copious riches and erase from our memory this Divine Science, which however our God, we let us pray to preserve ourselves,finally maintain ourselves in the enjoyment of the very abundant riches of this Holy Science, giving us the grace to use them in your Holy Service, and according to your holy Commandments, in Alms, to feed and clothe the poor, to deliver the poor Christians slaves of into the hands of its enemies and defend the poor widows and orphans, and among other things our God, may it please you to take this booklet into your holy protection so that it does not fall into the hands of the cursed vicious and ambitious who only ask for riches to impoverish simple people, and maintain their damnable pleasures, but make it fall into the hands of your servants who will know how to use it according to your holy Will and may they help us to sing your praises and wonders, through your son our Lord Jesus Christ who is the Unity of the Holy Spirit,lives and reigns with you for centuries;
So be it.
He who, through Divine assistance, has his angel so favorable and his Heaven so well disposed and propitious to discover this true Golden Fleece and Royal Science, will not admit that the origin of it must be repeated from an Aros , of a Mary Prophetess, or of Hermes Trismegistus etc. Certainly he will be forced to confess with me, that we must climb higher to seek a new relationship by which we can accommodate the first source of this river, merging into several streams of all fecundity and overflowing with rare and brave secrets, the which being as if without end, can only have been recognized by those who have been gifted with a long and healthy life; like Adam, Enoch, Methuselah and any of their successors.
For these: having been in doctrine in the knowledge of the light of nature from the very father of light, have undoubtedly had the perfect knowledge of this beautiful art or Philosophy: which as soon as the venom conceived of Adam and left as inheritance to his posterity, begins to give birth to a thousand execrable sins and vices, thus beginning to spread, lost its beautiful luster and finally to be plunged into this darkness in which we see it enveloped today.
Adam therefore our first father having been instructed by God in all Sciences, was the first very learned in this main part of the Sacred Philosophy, because how could he have slumbered in the universal power that the very learned nature, which as the only physiognomist noticed , and all our animal troop that God placed before him, imposing his name on each of them according to the instinct that he saw in the interior center of their hearts, and as a true learned judge knew and pronounced the courage of the lion, the cruelty of the tiger, the voracity of the wolf, speed of the deer, and cunning of the fox and I then did not know how to judge the naturalness of metals, their power and what God uses them for. had intended?
What could be learned from them to achieve the miseries that nature and all creatures were already experiencing with all posterity? He who kept silent until he was exiled from this blessed stay of Paradise knew early on to prevent hunger from heat and cold by the props he taught to Cain and Abel had he been so negligent not to provide himself with remedies against the unfortunate attacks and devastating invasions of diseases.
And he who among all animals immediately chooses the proper part for the controlled propagation of his species had failed to choose the best antidotal and medicinal products, ignores them between vegetable and animal mineral virtue. Maybe not! but in no way jealous of his offspring, wanting to create them (as Esau did to Jacob) all the rights due to his race, and thus relegate them until the time of Trismegistus Hermes or of Job, who, as his book tells us, did not not been ignorant in the Metal Generation when he alleges:
“Habet argentum venarum suarum principia (egressus suos) Et Aurolceus est quo conflutur. Fer-rum de terra tollitur, et lapis (solutus) in ces vertitur (confiatur et œs effonditur).
It has the silver beginnings of its veins (its exits) And Aurolceus is where it flows. The iron is removed from the earth, and the stone (dissolved) is turned into stones (it is trusted and buried)»
There is an appearance: because he could not have done it if the said Adam had not taught this Science to his children, and these to their sons, and also descended through Cabal to this excellent character Hermes the three times great, who first began to practice it, not wanting to, perhaps his predecessors (Sages) horn Enoch and others, have fun in such a small exercise, but with Youbal teaching to sing, play the zither and violins4, or with Toubal Cain learning all kinds of works by the malleation of copper and iron: it would be too much to attribute to this first man, freshly made and continually fomented, a vivid recollection of the being he had before his fall, had all knew: no; but he had rather attributed this to declining perfection; stop there; as for me, leaving envy at all and arguing about it, prefers to believe: that not from the exterior knowledge, but from the Interior of Adam proceeds our Philosophy, both the practical Theory, in such a way that God creating the mineral and animal vegetative seeds with their infinite propagative virtue, also infused into him the seed Generalissimo of all Sciences, which the arisers came under him, and we come under them. However, we must not attribute it as the primary source to Adam, but to the only eternally wise one, so that he alone may be admired and honored by his works as the Divine Royal Poet writes to us: To whom we first owe creation, redemption and sanctification of the Holy Trinity that we received from her graciously.
If it is not necessary, however, O you to whom the heavens
Have deigned to enlarge this precious treasure
May you never know this secret of nature
Value it only the human creature for itself
For God reveals it to show mortals
How much more beautiful will be the Spiritual Goods
Certainly it is also impossible for someone to have this constant and complete Science, without the perfect knowledge of God, and of the one he sent (Jesus Christ) true Wisdom of the father. I am not talking about the venal man without religion without charity, or at least without having been enlightened from above can ever achieve.
Great is therefore the majesty of our Philosophy because if it is thus that Science is so much more recommendable and admirable as the subject is sublime, great and virtuous, this Science is second only to Theology. The three times great Hermes almost not knowing how much he would express the virtue of this glorious subject: It is said he: the force of all forces conquering and penetrating all solid things, the glory and clarity of the whole world: It is also this Oniform genus to which creation, even of the universe, conforms. It is this subject again which conforms to the triune union, which is made in the earth and in the Heavens.
It is, I say again, this double tree of life which in admirable harmony follows that of the high Heaven. Finally it is the terrified Sun whose first matter holds in power the seven Stars of our low Astronomy, which in no way yields to all the secrets of the world. What, then, should I admire in this pearly Aurora and this blushing Phoebus? The omnipotence of God will not cause me Ecstasy.
That he is so powerful in his creatures, so good, glorious and true? But is it possible that so many mysteries and secrets can be hidden in nature: that the spirit of the world has become Corporeal in the center of the earth? This is seen by its effects, and moreover that God wanted to do in nature that under the vile face of the earth be veiled a subject so precious so that it is not looked at with an Action, unworthy of the sight of the Diane naked.
It is a Trinal knowledge that there is a general genus on which all other genera and species depend and have taken birth and produce until the end of the century by means of this Phoenix or vivifying spirit of Heaven so hidden by the poets , which they say is born with fire, is generated there and will produce, which cannot be destroyed by any art, and whether it is found on earth water and fire or air, it is preserved and preserved.
Here finally is a very magnificent mystery containing within itself the Unique antidote and medicine for the strength and length of life of man and I cannot persuade myself that without the use of it, those of the first centuries would once have lived so long and knew beget so late as our aforementioned Poet so aptly says in his Treasure of Treasures: which they say is born with fire, is generated there and will produce, which cannot be destroyed by any art, and whether it is found on earth water and fire or air, it is preserved and preserved.
Here finally is a very magnificent mystery containing within itself the Unique antidote and medicine for the strength and length of life of man and I cannot persuade myself that without the use of it, those of the first centuries would once have lived so long and knew beget so late as our aforementioned Poet so aptly says in his Treasure of Treasures: which they say is born with fire, is generated there and will produce, which cannot be destroyed by any art, and whether it is found on earth water and fire or air, it is preserved and preserved.
Here finally is a very magnificent mystery containing within itself the Unique antidote and medicine for the strength and length of life of man and I cannot persuade myself that without the use of it, those of the first centuries would once have lived so long and knew beget so late as our aforementioned Poet so aptly says in his Treasure of Treasures:
In truth, I do not believe that without this Stone,
These Fathers who first possessed the earth
Would not have had such a long time to sort themselves out
See five times a hundred years healthily engender.
For the consideration of the nobility of this art, it surpasses all others in this degree, being God the most admirable. The most favorable nature and the most diligent man, researcher and cultivater of whom among all the ancient Philosophers is the most commendable5 when he says: - I only have this Science from God -, which is also confirmed by Alphidius saying: - My son, know that God reserves this Science for Adam's posteriors, for the poor and reasonable; several great people, Kings and Princes have also owned it, such as Pytagoras, Plato, Socrates, Haly, Senior, Rasis, Geber, Morien, Bonus, Arnoldus de Villanova, Raymond Lulle, Isaac Hollandais, Paracelsus, Georges Rippée English, the learned Henry Conrard, Libavius and Penot could say something about it if they wanted.
Finally, several noble and heroic Spirits are forced to conceal this light because of the annoying ambition of other tyrannical people of this time, which has always been spied on and persecuted, testify Raymond Lulle and Arnold de Villanova. The Egyptians cannot avoid the burning desire of the Emperor Deocletian, who in a short time made a universal sacrifice to Vulcan, of the books of this Royal Science for fear that, becoming powerful through riches, they would revolt against the Roman State.
But why Deocletian burned the books, he would have done better to transport the Artists themselves to Rome. As for me, I believe that he was arguing because he found their books too obscure so that no one understood them, and that our Egyptians did not want to interpret them to die, stiffening against this prince like the Indian who cannot be bent by any force or torment to detect the root which purged the blood through sweat.
Let's go back — Emperor Alexander the Great was not unaware of this great secret, as Valense testifies. Galen, Avicenna and Hippocrates also know how to talk about it. Finally, Arabia had this honor and first advantage that several of its Kings possessed this mystery, such as King Aros, Calyb, Nëphandyn, Saturn, Luncabur, as Suidas testifies. And our Greek Argonauts did not want to stay behind, but went to Colchos not to steal the Golden Fleece, but so that they could learn this famous art of Medea.
Now the so-called Golden Fleece, as the same Suidas says, was nothing other than a book written in skins, teaching how through philosophy gold should be made. This is how, through this multitude of illustrious possessors, the nobility of this Divine Science shines through all times. Now let's come to its Usefulness.
If we wanted by measure to count the utilities with which this admirable Science is accompanied and would never be done, we will only list none starting with the main one, why we seek it today, and run after not only the vile cowherd but also the greatest Monarch of the Earth, the ignorant, the wise and the idiot and in general all men of whatever state, all bark after this first utility, the great Potentates blush ringing their great mother of human blood for the love of her.
None but oh wicked ones, despising the happiness of their soul, sell it for a small portion of this usefulness to the numerous powers of the Prince of this world, the others become impoverished and beg, ring the Lord for their love. It is the fruit of these beautiful worldly riches, the only Antidote against the accursed poverty, which only leaves behind pain and misery, all ring the Body and the Spirit, disturbs the understanding and opens the door to despair, to which this Treasure of all Treasures remedies very well, because it whoever possesses it can never lack, peace or war, nothing prevents him from seeing his property increase at all times.
this unmeasurable heritage follows him everywhere, opens doors for him everywhere, makes him cherished by great and small, does not have to help anyone (by the help of God) goes well from courtier and the Prince, his mind rests, and knows that it is only the effects of the overwhelming desire, but on the contrary can rightly exclaim with the Poet: disturbs the understanding and opens the door to despair, which this Treasure of all Treasures remedies very well, because the one who possesses it can never fail, peace or in war, nothing prevents him from seeing at all times its good increase. this unmeasurable heritage follows him everywhere, opens doors for him everywhere, makes him cherished by great and small, does not have to help anyone (by the help of God) goes well from courtier and the Prince, his mind rests, and knows that it is only the effects of the overwhelming desire, but on the contrary can rightly exclaim with the Poet: disturbs the understanding and opens the door to despair, which this Treasure of all Treasures remedies very well, because the one who possesses it can never fail, peace or in war, nothing prevents him from seeing at all times its good increase. this immeasurable heritage follows him everywhere, opens doors for him everywhere, makes him cherished by great and small, does not have to help anyone (by the help of God) goes well from courtier and the Prince, his mind rests, and knows that it is only the effects of the overwhelming desire, but on the contrary can rightly exclaim with the Poet:
O Secret of Secrets! O Infinite Wealth!
Good which is envied too much against none who desires,
We are therefore assured against this miserable shipwreck, which accompanies birth and threatens old age: but that is not all because you hold in your hand the only Instrument to execute at all hour this much recommended charity, by which man makes himself acceptable to God and to men; assured the Conscience on this side however, the more he gives largesse, the more the means of doing more presents itself.
The truly blessed man who possesses this secret, can at any time show himself to be a true man towards a whole world as our De Gamon says:
And this is how a Treasure can be discovered,
To be able to feed a hundred thousand men every day.
Afterwards he adds to show that this Treasure never fails:
For as much as one can give light,
Without lessening the customary clarity of fire,
All the same he who from Heaven has had much
Rich can be impressed by it without lessening it In nothing.
Then comparing the so-called Royal felicity with this inexhaustible abyss of Riches continues:
Less happy are the Kings, their threatened greatness
More often than not makes them rich than thoughts,
To find happiness down below, they make themselves unhappy,
They command people, people dispose of them
They very often do not dare like this All to
Try to have the good which is displayed before them,
Or the one who prudent enjoys this beautiful gift
Richer than he wants is like Solomon.
And finally adds to conclude this matter:
He bears great and alone great and diverse names,
For whoever enjoys me, enjoys the Universe.
Remember therefore your own, exercising yourselves in godly works: ransoming the captives, providing for widows and orphans, and healing the sick. For your Elixir cures all languor in man (whether of mind or body) without surprising you whatever illness it may be, still less should you delay the cry of a Hippocratic dreamer or Galenism talker, for in truth this Elixir cures Ladres, Deciduous, Dropsical, Etignes, Apoplectic, Yliacs and Tasty etc. So with good reason we will never be able to praise God enough, who through his Infinite goodness, once again allow this double secret to be discovered in this perverse century: Certainly our Toëte De Gamon speaks so naively on this subject that I cannot simply keep me alleging it every time,
But must we silence here the divine assistance
that this great medicine does to the human body.
Alas! Eternal Father you are not like the friend
Who promising much gives pleasure by half.
And a little later:
Is it not a great case that all illnesses
can be cured by this Elixir alone.
Then to prove the sufficiency of the said Elixir, he draws it from the experience of the Elixir itself, when he says:
And if it heals imperfect metals perfectly,
Why could it not heal animals?
And if we have seen this supreme Elixir,
By a moderate fire having healed ourselves etc...
Here now in its power is an Antidote having double effect, and nothing remains to you but continually of your Spirit, which you cannot have without study: do not say, however, that he who possesses this divine mystery cannot have the mind and soul other than limited by all virtue, but besides that: can by this art have all other arts and science, because it provides you with everything that is necessary for you, where otherwise there would be great obstacles, so that the Spirit can do nothing. How many brave minds are lost in the world for lack of means, being forced to occupy themselves with things directly contrary to their Astral inclination. This is why we find so many miscreants and wretches in all kinds of states. But let us see if there is still any abundant utility in this mystery.
Idleness testifies to the Wise, is the true pillow of the Devil on which, falling asleep, Phoebus only thinks of vices. Here's another bedtime to ward off this blow. If, after your most serious affairs, you wish to recreate yourself in some honest and profitable exercise, see what our Poet discovers for us:
I will only tell that this worthy stone
Makes (o marvel useful) neither fragile the glass.
That it makes many a gem, and its strong liquor
Gives the pearl a lively color.
Aren't these pleasant and pleasant occupations for the Mind and the Body! Do we not have the dreams of a happy life in our hands, Solon says “Nemo Einte obitum beatus”7. Certainly I do not know that it is who could make the possessor of this sovereign good unhappy, if not himself through languor, or that trembling old age weakens him in the face of time, this cannot also be done through the Will of God and the virtue of this divine restorative, because:
It is the only potable Gold and the only fruit of life
It is the unfeigned Nectar and the true Ambrosia,
It is the herb from which Jason's lover once
relieved the decrepit Aeson of his years.
It is this stone also, which the sons of Science
Name to hide it fountain of Youth,
For there is no such virtue under Heaven
To raise up the Body of old age dejected.
Then the said Poet asks:
This Stone cannot be dry and temperate,
Which to make blood in the liver is digested,
Warm restore us the radical mood
And chase away the white hair a damp coldness.
Because hey! why would your common Mother
benign Nature to humans more severe,
Than to Eagles, than to crows, deer and snakes
Who knows what can rob them of years!
Let us now conclude that the antiquity of this Royal Science is the first, Great its majesty, Illustrates its nobility and inestimable its usefulness, and consequently happy even thrice happy, the man who possesses it, who can rightly say that by this Dawn the darkness of his understanding discussed, he enjoys the entire view of this beautiful hearth gives Light, being required to give infinite thanks to him, who through the true Celestial Dawn, illuminating and dispelling our darkness, will one day give us Grace to make us enjoy entirely and forever this blessed coming of the Divine face. So be it.
We have heard in the previous discourse on the generation or nature of metals how the all-wise and benign Nature operates in the center of the earth, and as from a single root it produces and cooks its minerals, rising little by little by degrees until 'until she finally reaches the ultimate perfection, which is Gold.
All that remains is to come out of its caves, because here is Dawn and already the postilion with the golden skull harnessed the indomitable horses to come and illustrate our climate with its brilliant face, so that we will see on earth, at our ease, the same subject, that we saw previously in the hands of Mother Nature, visiting the shelly and dark mansion of fauna. It is the mercury of the great world which is found in no other chief place than in the vein of this fountain on the edge of which nature was seated, from which we have learned to take its origin in the upper sphere of our lower Astronomy, which vein is the key and the first rule of the Art of the philosophers Because from it as from a root they produce the seven magic metals, true foundation of the mines of the Elixir, Stone of all the works of the Sages.
Thus without the knowledge of this mercury or Spirit of Heaven, terrified in the center of the earth, no one will be able to see the desired light of our Phoebus, so that just as the Dawn precedes the day, so this Mercury precedes the magic metals , and these are the great refined work before the Sun and the day of Science.
For this reason we call this present treaty our dawn, the discovery of which I hold only from God, and partly from an expert Artist; I communicate it to you in clear and intelligible practice without abbreviation of words, praying and conjuring all into whose hands this treaty may fall, not to communicate it to anyone, even if he is your friend, if he is not worthy of it, sacrifice rather to Vulcan or write it in such terms that the unworthy cannot bite.
And God will bless you and your work, because it is a gift from God, which gives to those whom he pleases and not ours: Let them therefore languish, and above all since they make themselves unworthy it is better to let them perish in their ignorance, that this divine Treasure would fall into the possession of those who, like swine, trample the daisies under their feet, etc. not to communicate it to anyone, even if he is your friend, if he is not worthy of it, rather sacrifice him to Vulcan or write it in such terms that the unworthy cannot bite into it.
And God will bless you and your work, because it is a gift from God, which gives to those whom he pleases and not ours: Let them therefore languish, and above all since they make themselves unworthy it is better to let them perish in their ignorance, that this divine Treasure would fall into the possession of those who, like swine, trample the daisies under their feet, etc. not to communicate it to anyone, even if he is your friend, if he is not worthy of it, rather sacrifice him to Vulcan or write it in such terms that the unworthy cannot bite into it.
And God will bless you and your work, because it is a gift from God, which gives to those whom he pleases and not ours: Let them therefore languish, and above all since they make themselves unworthy it is better to let them perish in their ignorance, that this divine Treasure would fall into the possession of those who, like swine, trample the daisies under their feet, etc.
To properly understand the corporeal Spirit of the world (which we named above Mercury of the great world), we must know that it is nothing other than the Spirit of the Universe made body within the womb of the earth. , Hermaphrodite, and first born of nature, endowed with the faculties of Heaven and Earth, mingling indifferently with everything because it encloses all germs and virtues, whether mineral, vegetable or animal, it is invigorating, substantive, essential , giving substance and life to all creatures of this world, however is very common because it passes through them all. And again it is very hidden: for just as Heaven shows itself with its Body very widely on the surface of the world, so it hides very deeply in the center of the earth with its Spirit.
He is also the most precious creature, because outside of him, in him and through him, are, all things vegetate and grow, everything is full of its virtue and nothing is empty of its essence, for so much the beginning and end of every creature, it preserves and destroys, it is good and malicious, triple and one, it is composed of Salt, Sulfur and pure mineral water, coagulates and dissolves, collected and separated, watered and dries, is smooth and arid, finally adept at receiving any form, but to excite all this power into action which it still only has in power, it it must be made Spiritual.
Because as the Doct Libavius says: “The heavy body of mercury has its Spiritual part even heavier, for the love of the Incredible conformity of the mixture, nevertheless, he says, we join to it the wings of the Eagle , so that with the help of these, the Spirit flies to sublime places, always leaving its lead below, which having also received wings can fly in its turn, however this mystical Spirit called purified bodily Mercury or Magnesia is made, which is the Secret of Secrets and the only material of the Mercury of the Sages (called unctuous).
And Penot8: “It is necessary to remove the sulfurity of mercury with its leaded and terrestrial parts”, and in another place: “In the belly of the earth, he says, is hidden a virgin earth, which must be sought by an Extreme study , and deliver her from her Original sin by Water and Fire. And afterwards adds9: “You know that one land is better than the other, and therefore more Eligible. » As for me, experience has shown me that this Corporal Mercury is not pure, as it comes from mines, and I have never seen that made simple and without mixture of other metal or Sulfur Spirit or Arsenicals, However, they must be separated by digestion, which can only be done by a sulphurous fire and homogeneous with the said Corporeal Spirit, which no ignorant Artists have thought of doing by vegetable fire, but in vain.
For so that the aforesaid spirit is an imperfect metal, poorly cooked and very breakable, if it can only be purged by sulfur or metallic fire, which is not found in anything in the world except in the Gold mining, by means of which a Regulate similar to that of antimony is made from the said Corporeal Spirit. And from this regula or Magnesia comes firstly good silver, and from this silver fine Gold as you see below; afterwards, she will be made the Electra of the Wise and from her the seven physical metals which is a great secret.
Raymond Lulle and Rasis knew something about this when they said that the secret of total Science consists of Magnesia or lead, because it contains Gold and Silver in power. And the reason why they call it Imperfect metal is that they knew in it a sulfur which Frozen it, holding in it a part of the vegetable, otherwise it was made of it another perfect metal.
To speak more fully about the said sulfur it is necessary to know that it is a true chaos or Spirit capable of receiving any form in itself. It contains within itself a Celestial earth, which, being digested and prepared, receives all transmutation, which the sulfur of metals cannot do.
I am surprised that not one of the philosophers writes about it, it must be said that they knew nothing about it. And yet all the Secret of this so celebrated transmutation, or to better say the Generation of Metals, depends on this noble material. It is the only mediator between the body, Spirit and soul causing their perfect union so that falling one into the center of the other, only three make a circle and for so much is called Salt harmoniac , tartar, vegetable Mercury etc.
Certainly if the high God had not made me aware of this fire of nature, and heard it speak, I would never have reached the truth of this Science; yet they have failed, are still failing, and will henceforth fail the entire Alchemical troop because of this principal agent of their fault, which is of such consequence and of such great value that no monarch or even the monarch of monarchs, the Pope, would know it. pay.
I had not yet told you how the true solvent and mercury of the philosophers is derived from this holy subject, which they name their raw Mercury in relation to their second mercury, which is Azoth or Unctuous mercury, finally comes out by means of this first mercury and a certain magical metal, A third Spirit called green lion for the love of its color greenish that it shows in its preparation, also because of its deadly venom.
It is our true Golden Fleece, which we can rightly call our discovered India, because from it alone without adding gold or silver, it provides us with enough to then do any Work that is described by the philosophers. . also because of its deadly venom. It is our true Golden Fleece, which we can rightly call our discovered India, because from it alone without adding gold or silver, it provides us with enough to then do any Work that is described by the philosophers. . also because of its deadly venom. It is our true Golden Fleece, which we can rightly call our discovered India, because from it alone without adding gold or silver, it provides us with enough to then do any Work that is described by the philosophers. .
Since so many goods distill together from this blessed material, let us continue to discover more fully about it and the preparation in which we must note a feature, namely that it is what thus separates the Arsenical Spirits or minerals mixed with our bodily Mercury , know that it is Tartar, but you must be careful that it does not burn in conjunction with its digestant, but produce as much as you can its interior Externally, which is the brilliant silvery color, which does not come from for so much Sulfur or form of the corporeal Spirit, nor of its mercury, but of the Sulfur of the gold mine which digests in the corporeal spirit the indigestible mercury, because the Sulfur of the said mine is only pure Gold , bringing out power into action the raw Mercury of the Corporeal spirit,giving it the power to powerfully dissolve all metals.
Notes in this place (for the fire) that this is what purges the corporeal spirit of the world, because by this means do you know that it is what purges the magical Magnesia and digests it (namely what fire of the philosophers) . Our alchemists pass their subject through a Vegetable fire, without having regard to the possibility of nature, not knowing in this place that it is only nature, yet they learn nothing and remain sweating.
Returning to our Magnesia, know that it still has a dirt or sulfur, which being separated, returns to the first matter when and its digestive, then this first matter or mercury is only a fire, and pure Gold composed by the most great secret of nature, about which to speak further is forbidden to us by said nature and the laws of art. Plato also imposes silence on us. However, I will communicate to you what is necessary for you, keeping silent about the rest for several reasons. So note carefully what follows.
God put mercury in the power of man so that he puts the Specifies in those which are necessary for them, and there are only these two, namely the Vulgal mercury and that of the philosophers, those who seek beyond the two mentioned above yet another is seriously mistaken, and deserves to be placed in the rank of our Alchemists, who you see saying another song, except that if they had the golden mercury that the art could not fail them. The others, not being so fond, would be satisfied with a mercury of lead, antimony or Jupiter.
And if we shove the one from the Moon into their hands they wouldn't refuse it. But here is how these poor people are wrong, that they have the Mercury of Gold, it needs the suitable ferment for fixation, which is gold (because giving it the ferment of the Moon would not be advisable ), with which you will once again fix your golden mercury, and then? (Now count your time and expenses, and you glasses that you will have well deserved to drink.) Yes but, (you will reply) I will add to the Golden Mercury a certain quantity of common mercury and thus fixing them together will bring back profit.
I deny in the first place this multiplying fixation, for many reasons, the main one of which is: that without alteration there is no generation or transmutation; now this Mercury of gold does not act in any way in the vulgar Mercury, especially since it was not resolved by it into mercury, and yet by the sole resolution the Sulfur or seed of Gold is drawn, which alone can fix mercury. Vulgal Mercury has no virtue of dissolving: Ergo impossible that this increase and fixation is done in this way, (and with all due respect to Raymond Lulle on his collarbone); who is so stupid who would want to believe that one Spirit fixes the other? 10 Gold mercury does not act in common Mercury any more than a drop of wine would do in a drop of water.
Common mercury would have to be duly animated so that it had the power to dissolve, penetrate and separate, because all metals have a form which, as long as it is not separated, cannot be added to mercury when it pushes it to the metallic nature, and as long as this form adheres to mercury, the metal cannot be reduced to first material, less receive another form. Because a matter cannot bear two forms, which the Philosopher well notes in the first book of meteors: “Metals, (he says), cannot be transmuted if they are not reduced to their first matter, » so you also see that we cannot make gold or silver into imperfect metals, like Venus. Saturn. Jupiter. etc., because we must not look for in them what they have not received.
However, note carefully that everything that God has created has in itself a specific or transmutable form, which is nothing other than the life of metals.
This life cannot act, especially since it is prevented by an external agent which causes the death of the metal. As for example: - Inside the gold there is a mortified mercury, which can only revive by its own and immortal life and separating from it that which is the cause of its death.
What is done in the same way in the grain of wheat (and all others) which throws into the ground can only be revived by its own and immortal life, which is water, which vivifies the dead water within the grain, then this dead water containing in itself its specifies, gives it to simple water and transforms it into it, and thus from a single grain several are born which cannot be done without putrefaction. For it is the will of God that everything dies, and that after death it increases in infinities, which is done by means of the specificity of humidity, which is also only understandable in the sense than God himself.
And for these reasons do you see that the dead thing when it returns to life, which is the firmament of the living thing and in this consists a great and natural increase, which possessing I hardly care that so many books have this Writing against this truth, by the Alchemists, (assuring you that it was neither true nor now are philosophers who dare to deny it and say the opposite).
For what the masters of the art have written concerning the transmutation of metals is something entirely different, however I can boldly say to the Paracelses that he who understands Alchemy literally, is beating empty straw. Let them dream and see what is the thing which has the means of separating from the metal or from the life of it that which draws it; it must be something which has the virtue of separating and vivifying, and also that they be two in number but one in effect, because all the mysteries and secret operations of nature all derive from one source.
However, having searched in all minerals and metals, we were only able to find it in the triple orb of Saturn, namely in the first sign of it, (in the Taurus of our lower Astronomy), because it alone has the power to separate from our magnesia which is the cause of the death of its mercury, but simple mineral water must be used to water everything.
It is our sublimated or exalted mercury invigorating the so-called Mercury of magnesia (from which the terrestrial Taurus has already separated the murderer). Then the said magnesium mercury transmuted by the Specific virtue, is called exalted, because when it vivifies a dead body, it is no longer called sublimated Mercury but Sun mercury. March. Jupiter etc. And here, Mercury of Mercury which is the base of all mercuries, as we will soon say.
How harmful confusion is in any situation are well known by those who, after the Calf was drowned, wanted to fill the pit. I believe that our poor Alchemists11 are not the first nor the last to complain about this damaging mistake. It is a big case that they are neither willing nor able to consider the possibility of nature. And that it doesn't travel from one end to the other without passing through the middle?
And by this means they show themselves to be the most Ignorant of all. If a child was presented with a row of coins to count, wouldn't he start at one end and work his way down to the last coin? Would a bird know how to fly from one tree to another without beating the air between two?
To think otherwise would be either to be stupid or to be a fool in crimson. The vilest movement has its beginning, middles and ends. How will they do the great Work (which is the end of the work of a true philosopher), which does not begin with the extraction of the Corporeal Spirit from the world, and then proceed through the practice of the mercury of the philosophers, Azoth, White eagle and red lion etc. ?
I am not only talking about those who know how to practice all of these above-mentioned parts; being the sophisticators so far from those that the East is from the West. So I now speak to them and ask them how they will freeze the mercury perfectly, if first they do not make the said metals common magic?
Regenerating them first by printing them with their appropriate specifications?
How will they dye metals with a constant color, fixing or trying to fix their dyes,
But who is the one who knew this fire whose research we so miserably neglect and yet claim to know nothing about this Science? I ask that it is that our sophisticators produce to know or understand nothing in the operation of this fire, except that waste of time, loss also of many good drugs and ruin of many of the vessels, no profit than forces ashes for the laundry room, and pain, regrets and illnesses for Mr. Alchemist, of whom to avoid such a cruel charybdis and in order to safely lead the Argonaute to Colchos, here I extend to you a hand with which if you extend it to yours at the right time, which will pull you, despite all the Storms and Vulcanic storms, to the desired port of your conquest, or being approached, you will be able to give thanks to the true Aeolus for sending you such favorable spittle and instead of a good Alchemist you will not be forced to make good use of the true Alchemist.
For I tell you in truth that if you do not know how to practice well by heart in this hand, and adapt yourself in everything to the rise and fall of the seven notes contained in the icelle, that you will never sing well in B flat nor in B square, less in nature. If you hear this hand well, you will not only sing in four parts, whatever tones it may be, but you will compose yourself, discover the errors and bad tones. Finally reaching final perfection etc. and accommodate yourself in everything to the rise and fall of the seven notes contained in icelle, which you will never sing well in B flat nor in B square, less in nature.
If you hear this hand well, you will not only sing in four parts, whatever tones it may be, but you will compose yourself, discover the errors and bad tones.
Finally reaching final perfection etc. and accommodate yourself in everything to the rise and fall of the seven notes contained in icelle, which you will never sing well in B flat nor in B square, less in nature. If you hear this hand well, you will not only sing in four parts, whatever tones it may be, but you will compose yourself, discover the errors and bad tones. Finally reaching final perfection etc.
So in order to put an end to it, we will begin with the Vulgal Mercury, which is the entrance and the first key to science, as we have sufficiently proven in our comments on the Treasure of Treasures of Sieur de Gamon.

Let's start the hanging escutcheon by hand using an iron chain. And let us begin (as art and nature require) at the base or root of our clear star, produce the light of power in action, breaking the bonds which hold it quivering in this lower firmament of our Heaven, to which the The spirit of the world is very closely linked and signed, yet we must find a mineral which is closest to the nature of the said Spirit, so that we rise from the lowest to the highest degree, (as Penot says in his epistle of magical rules) and reach through the minor minerals the virtue of the major minerals, because this is what the ark of nature requires, that we go through the lower things.
Raymond Lulle says (in his will): “We dissolve metals with radical things which are of their own nature. » Also by this means we practice this universal axiom which says13: — “The Spirit is a strange body which draws to itself14 the body which is of its nature, which can only be improved in its nature. »
Take this fixed matter which we call Mining of gold, make it redden well in a crucible, and when it gives its sign throw on it discretion of the chosen Virgin earth, strengthen your fire and they will melt together, generating a layer above which the Poets name the web by which the jealous Lemmen catches this great rascal from Mars, etc.
Fisheries the said case with an iron, or if you can be there at all quickly throw on it a good quantity of the Ostrich which is born in the earth, and there will arise a great noise and tumult, which ceases to be struck against the crucible until Until the material is well set, separate the dirt with great blows with a hammer and you will have our magnesia or Virgin impregnated by the young Phoebus Delian. The said material must be crushed and remelted, then throw a sufficient quantity of the above-mentioned Ostrich on it, the quarrel calmed down, throw an ingot mold into it and repeat this procedure twice more, or until your Ostrich no longer gets angry, but leaves the place to the Battle Camp of Vulcan a white and fixed powder, remaining below our true Aurora or Magnesia brilliant like Diana of the upper firmament.
The feces or earth which will be above, you will throw them away waiting for a better and truly Heavenly earth. Here is the Virgin of the learned Penot15, now delivered from her Original sin, by fire; all that remains is to regenerate it also with water. Here again is the corporeal Spirit of the great world, the first nature of the Mercury of the philosophers16, receiving in itself the Impression of the brilliant Phoebus and the naked Diana. And just as the Moon is a Universal receptacle of the influences of the starry sky (and mainly of the Sun), so our magnesia is also the Universal receptacle of the Astral virtue of our terrified Sky, and especially of Gold.
For so much says Henri Conrard: "Mercury's corporalis microcosmice macrocosmicus" and everywhere philosophers are called by comparison Moon of the earth, (like gold the Sun of the earth), because when it comes to silver we call it imperfect gold or gold white, just as we say Jupiter lead white.
So as the Moon of the great world is the first door to Heaven, so is our star or magnesia the first door to the terrified Heaven and to art. And just as when the earth is interposed between the Moon and the Sun, the said Moon cannot receive the rays of the sun, and also remains dark; also the impure terrestriality adhering to the corporeal Spirit of the world, prevents it from becoming Astral and receiving the perfection and rays of our Sun. But, if once this land is taken away from him, there will no longer be any obstacle left.
And just as the corporeal Spirit of the world is said to be the first born and son of nature, so magnesia is the son and the artist man, and the legitimate first born of art. What then remains for him, if not to make him know his origin and himself, why do we have to give him Wings, in order to make him fulfill the Commandment of the Philosopher who says: “let him ascend from the earth to Heaven, and descends from Heaven to earth, thus he will receive the Superior and Lower forces, will strip the filthy nature and the rest of his mother's menstrual blood,

Let us now come to the practice of the seven physical metals contained within the escutcheon hanging at the bottom of our hand, where it will be necessary to follow in all this following Axiom, in which in a few words, is understood the entire art of the transmutation and Artificial Generation of metals, and is such:
Ex metallis in metalla per metalla et cum metallis perfecta metalla phisica fiunt, vera minerarum fundamenta.
From metals to metals, through metals, and with metals, complete physical metals are made, the true foundations of minerals.
We must therefore (to practice part of this axiom), mix our magnesia with the metals, so let us proceed as required according to the first two words: - Ex metallis in metalla -, because our magnesia, so that it is not perfect metal and notwithstanding counts as a metal but Imperfect. And so as soon as it properly smells the smoke of metals, it is converted into the appearance of them, and then can be radically transmuted into their substance.
Which as soon as it smells the smoke of copper it also becomes copper which is very beautiful, the Mars that comes from it is good steel, the lead is white like tin, but a little difficult to melt, the Jupiter is beautiful and without strider, money is the first profit of this Science, being made easily, in a short time without great care and work, and is sluggish to bear the expenses that it will suit you to do, and by rising by degrees by the practice of this hand, so that there is nothing that prevents it so much so that you can be that you do not put yourself in short at your ease, of which to accommodate you more, I will give you one more way, (without breaking the order started) of which I have seen the practice is not difficult to do, nor otherwise long.
All that remains is to pray to the good Lord so that he may bless your work, which he will do if you are valiant, constant, and provident: thus everything will come to you as you wish. (without breaking the order started) which I have seen in practice is not difficult to do, nor otherwise long. All that remains is to pray to the good Lord so that he may bless your work, which he will do if you are valiant, constant, and provident: thus everything will come to you as you wish. (without breaking the order started) which I have seen in practice is not difficult to do, nor otherwise long. All that remains is to pray to the good Lord so that he may bless your work, which he will do if you are valiant, constant, and provident: thus everything will come to you as you wish.
No Gold is generated unless it was first silver. Silver also cannot be transmuted unless it is first reduced to first material. And those who think of reducing our silver to nothing without our Heaven are seriously mistaken. Even more those who believe to freeze after the said silver mercury and fix it without the help of gold, because it is a true maxim that:
Metals reduced to their first material, by our heaven must be reduced to metal by means of a little ferment, otherwise they always retain the form of mercury.
I saw the said axiom practiced by a very learned man, to whom I owe a great debt of gratitude. He printed the so-called magical and fixed Moon, and amalgamated part of it with .6. parts of Exalted Mercury, then put the said amalgam to putrefy in the bath for the space of .6. weeks, and the said amalgam putrefaction in the bath for the space of .6. weeks, and the said amalgam always became a little soft, after distilling the Exalted Mercury through the ashes, by graduated fire, and the fixed Moon remained at the bottom of the retort in the form of a window, as he told me, he did not displease him. point.
He printed the said silver thus prepared, and amalgamated it again with .6. parts of animated Mercury, putrefying it as before, and the amalgam was visibly vivified day by day, then distilled it again, and the whole passed through the retort into quicksilver, which afterwards he wanted to freeze by himself, but to nothing. He therefore added (according to the previous maxim) a little gold then set it over a low heat, which he completed in a short time, namely in fine gold which he showed to a goldsmith, who found it good passing it through the Royal Cement, green, and by the Royal water, these proofs did not satisfy him, but still doubted that it was not good, for not having seen any sign of putrefaction in it. staring.
Finally passed it through Antimony, held on, he admired all this however resorted to physical tests, amalgamating the said gold with the exalted mercury and reducing it again to mercury, but could no longer fix it, so that he was forced to exalt the mercury, which went away leaving only part of the gold, what seeing resumed the above-mentioned practice and dissolved his gold in a certain mercurial water, which has the virtue of radically joining our homogeneous substances, however would greatly shorten the time with great contentment that he himself, by his magical tests could no longer bite on his gold.
If our poor Alchemists had seen this as I did, I believe they would remain crimson and astonished like poor Midas in Ovid, when the donkey's ears came to him, for having misjudged the harmony of Phoebus. Near whom I want to hide the source of this mercurial stream, etc. If our poor Alchemists had seen this as I did, I believe they would remain crimson and astonished like poor Midas in Ovid, when the donkey's ears came to him, for having misjudged the harmony of Phoebus. Near whom I want to hide the source of this mercurial stream, etc. If our poor Alchemists had seen this as I did, I believe they would remain crimson and astonished like poor Midas in Ovid, when the donkey's ears came to him, for having misjudged the harmony of Phoebus. Near whom I want to hide the source of this mercurial stream, etc.
Isaac Hollandais says in the second book of his mineral works that there are almost only three who reached in his time the true knowledge of the divine spirit.
Certainly the water of paradise, the spirit of Arsenic of Sulfur of antimony are as good as the spirit of the aforementioned wine of very great effect, an admirable and very subtle operation however, in no way approach the excellence of our Vinegar drawn from magnesia, because you serve yourself in whatever work you want will make it amicable and fuse, giving Ingrès and making the body, spirit and soul join together, radically having experienced that he alone does more than the Spirits over-mentioned all together, when they would each be reduced to quintessence. I discovered great secrets with divine assistance,
Practical magnesia resolution
Take .8. parts of Magnesia and part of fine gold, mix according to the art, then grind it very subtly on a stone, put the powder off and leave everything overnight in the cellar, then distill clear water through the ashes and clean which you will keep tightly packed in a flask, grind your marc again and leave in the cellar overnight, distill and put the water with the other. Do this so many times that there is only the weight of your gold left, or close to it; melt the said gold and throw saltpeter on it, blow until it is very clean and also you will have it again, and will be more beautiful than before.
Vinegar deplegation
Take your distilled water and dilute it in the bath, then distilled and redistilled seven times with the feces in the ash furnace, then distilled again separately, either as long as it shows its sign and is very clean: this Vinegar now has the virtue of always dissolve part of the said magnesia in this way.
Increase in vinegar
Take .4. ounces of our clear star and grind it impalpably on a marble stone, put this powder in a matra with a long neck, pour over it .4. ounces of your raw vinegar sealed airtight, put to putrefy in the bath for .8. days, then distill through the ashes giving the fire by degrees, at the beginning very little after large, and your distilling vinegar will increase greatly; weigh the grounds, put the matras inside, put on top .4. parts of your rectified raw vinegar, do this as long as the said vinegar no longer draws anything (keep these first feces - Raw black feces). So you can increase your vinegar Infinitely.
Putrefaction of common vinegar
When you have made a large quantity of common vinegar, put it in a pot which is capable of so that it is filled with only a third part, signed according to the art and putrefied in the bath for the space of a month philosopher,
Distillation of the phlegm and the spirit of the
Then put to distill in the bath and draw the phlegm. Afterwards, distill the rest through the ashes until nothing more comes out, and you will have the subtle spirit of common vinegar, which you will rectify seven times, so that if you put a dry cloth in the said Vinegar burns it like strong water does, etc. This vinegar is enough to decorporate your gold after the Calcination,
Notes Burning Spirit of
As we will say after having put the other parts and their preparations.
Fertile black earth
Notes, that after you have drawn out all your Spirit, that you still have a matter black as pitch and thick as honey. Keep it tightly covered in a warm place.
Pour part of your ardent Spirit of vinegar into a pelican, and circulate with the steam of the bath until it has a whitish material at the bottom, like cotton and very light. Then open the pelican or circulatory, and pour into it a clean vial so that it can be well corked, and you have a mercurial water, quintessence or spirit of very excellent vinegar (of the virtue of which we spoke above), and better , operation, mainly to freeze at the end the body salts of the fixed metals and give them Ingres, etc.
The phlegm must first be distilled so many times that it no longer leaves feces.
Now take the fruitful black earth in liquid form, and pour vinegar on your phlegm so that it floats well, put on hot ashes until your phlegm is dyed in the color of gold and no longer draws, pour on the grounds and draw out all the dye, always pouring the dyed water separately into another flask. 21Afterwards, distil all your phlegm and you will ultimately have a precious and admirable tincture. And note that the black earth that remains is called our Living Sulfur of the philosophers22.
Pour part of your burning vinegar on your sulphurous earth, digest in the bath for 29 hours and two days on the hot ashes, then distill through the ashes and the spirit will carry away the volatile salt or harmoniac, or the soul, so much is a same thing23, repeat this so many times that putting a little of your sulfurous earth on a reddened silver strip, does not smoke at all: then you will have the Alkalized Vinegar of the philosophers, and the earth which remains is called Dead Sulfur24, Dead Head , etc. This vinegar dissolves all metals, even mercury, etc.
Take your dead earth which will be tending towards white, and calcine it for the space of 20 days, then dissolve it in its simple fiery vinegar, as long as there is nothing left in the earth, after distill your vinegar and at the bottom it will remain a strong white salt, repeat the Solution and Distillation again as long as your salt is well purged and transparent, then dissolve it again in the phlegm until the dissolve leaves no more feces, which will be done by Calcining, Dissolving and filtering and freezing. 25 Take one part of this salt, and four parts of the alkalized fiery spirit, let it digest26 by .4. days in the lukewarm ashes, after distilling and there will come an insipid water without taste, which again on top of the marc, repeating this so many times that your water no longer diminishes, but remains mostly at the bottom with the salt,
Anything dry naturally drinks its own moisture.
Dry our salt well and pour in other alkalized Spirit again and it will hold a little longer, then grind your salt well and put it to sublimate and it will sublimate like Camphor. 27It is the common harmoniac salt (of the philosophers), keep it as a very precious thing, because with this salt we reduce gold to its first material, and from it abundantly we do admirable things in our science, as the practice will show below.
Take the first black earth and crush it impalpably, put it to Calcine for twenty days, marmorizing it every day and watering it with a little of the burning spirit, then drying and recalcining and yet becoming white as snow: c This is the common salt of tartar of the philosophers, which you put on a marble or glass to dissolve in the cellar, and you will have the true oil of tartar of the philosophers, which reduces all metals to common mercury, and does other strange things , as you will see in the application of the hand of philosophers
Spray your Magnesia well and put it in a matra with a long neck, and soak the powder with Royal water, or rather with acute mercurial water, evaporate the humidity on the ashes, soak again (after having well crushed your powder) and Exhale, repeat this by .7. times, imbibing, Exhaling, grinding on the marble, after dulcify your matter with distilled water, then dry in a lukewarm place or in the sun, or in the bath, and you will have your bodily salt or common Vitriol of the philosophers Thus we have
shown the practice of everything that can be done with our clear star, now remains to lead it through all the seven signs of the hand, starting with the little finger, which as the most forceful will cause us to open the other fingers.

Put your magnesia into impalpable powder, and pour on it a good quantity of your fiery vinegar, seal the matras well and put it to putrefaction for the space of eight days, and your

common mercurial water will be tinged with the golden color of your mining or magnesia, pour the said

very slowly by inclination and pour more on the marc, putrefy as before, then pour by inclination, repeat this action so many times that your vinegar no longer takes on color.
Throw away the feces because they are no longer worth anything. Put all your colored vinegar in a clean glass still and distill all your vinegar through the bath (which will come out tasteless, and will no longer be worth anything). At the bottom will remain your Gum or viscosity of the clear Star, which is one of the main keys to our science.
Take very subtle and clean Solar lime, as one prepares it for writing, and mix it with three times as much as it weighs of good oil of tartar from white wine, freeze very gently in salt, then relamp.8. days, always increasing the fire until at the end you set fire to your glass (which must be well sealed and luted), and it turns red very gently for .29. hours, then break your glass and grind your salt in a hot mortar, and put your said powder in a matra in the bath, and pour over it common distilled water in order to remove the salt of tartar from your Now, do this so many times that your water is no longer acrid.
Evaporate all your water and you will once again have your tartar as good as before, put it on a marble stone in the cellar, and it will dissolve again into oil. Now take your gold which will be well opened and dissolve it in your alkalized vinegar, then freeze it in the bath, then dissolve it

again and freeze it as before, do this so many times that your gold no longer freezes, but remains like gold. honey, thick and black red like the blood of a goat, and you will have the viscosity of gold, from which many beautiful works are made such as you will have below.
Take lunar lime made by strong water and amalgamated with tartar or its oil, just as you did with the Sun, then dissolve the said subtle lime in your alkalized vinegar, as you have done with gold, and you will have a Gum or viscosity of celestial Color. Keep it in a glass.
You should take crocus martis made with vinegar, flowers of Venus (50), white lead of Saturn and lime of Jupiter reverberated by .3. days, it is not necessary to mix them with oil of tartar like gold and silver, but only dissolve in new vinegar which is not alkalized, furthermore proceeding as you did with the Moon, and you you will have from Mars a red Eraser, from Saturn yellowish or white, from Venus green or white, from Jupiter white, thus you have the seven primary keys of art, in which also consists the first secret of it.

Take the gum of magnesia and put it in a retort in the sand, distill according to the art and it will distill a red liquor, which Raymond Lulle calls Lunaria, and when you see in the books of philosophers writing wine of philosophers, or of human blood blood of a colored man, they want this wine, this liqueur: from this wine or Lunaria is made the true fiery water, water of wine, the Heaven of the philosophers and the true mercurial water, in search of which all the world is languishing.
First it will be necessary, for this practice to make your vinegar vegetate and sharpen it so that it has the power to make the fixed metals volatile, which by doing so acquires the name of vegetable Mercury, simple menstruation, dissolving water , and it is done this way:
Composition of the Simple Menstruum
Take the common mercurial water or ardent spirit circulated .4. parts, put in a matra that has a long neck, throw in a part of your common harmoniac salt, and it will dissolve immediately, distilled by the ashes and everything will rise into clear water, take some of this water.4. parts and put in part of the aforesaid salt and distilled as before; repeat this twice more, and you will have a menstrual which fixes everything fixed and returns it to its first nature.
Take gum or viscosity of the Sun, and dissolve it in your aforesaid menstruation, then put a little more of the said viscosity nourishing little by little, as long as it can no longer take advantage in itself. It is the best way of all ways to mix or amalgamate, because:
Nature neither wanders nor takes what it cannot digest.
Put this mixture by .4. days in digestion on the lukewarm ashes or in the Athanor, then distil the ashes according to the art (using cohobation at the end if necessary) and your Gold will rise and distill inseparably with its menstruation, so that the axiom is fulfilled which says:
Remarkable axiom
When our mercury or menstruation, or any of our radical solvents vivifies a body, the said body then specifies, transmutes its radical solvent into its nature.
So do not take pains to separate your menstruation, for the spirit of gold rises inseparably with it. Keep your Lunaria tightly closed so that no air gets in, etc.
Take the viscosity or azure gum of the Moon, and proceed in any case as you did the gummosity of gold, and you will have the wine or juice of the Moon, which will keep until what you will have to do with it.
Take one of the gums of the above-mentioned metals and dissolve it in the above-mentioned period, put the solution in a matra and let the lukewarm ashes digest in it, then proceed as taught above in the distillation of the juice of the Moon or the Sun, and you will have wines of all kinds, from which we make waters of life, from which dissolving and freezing we do admirable things, as continued practice will teach you.

Take the Gum of your magnesia, put it in a matra with a long neck, pour over a good quantity of your Spirit of simple vinegar and circulated, and it will attract the red dye, red as blood. Pour this Spirit dyed by inclination into another vessel, cover the good, pour other simple circulation on the rest and let it dye, do this28 so many times that your Spirit no longer colors, keep the feces well because in them is the Body or common salt of philosophers
Pour all your colored spirit into a glass still, liqueur well and distill by bathing, and you will have at the bottom the precious tincture called splendor of the Sun.
Four salts of the imperfect and two of the perfect
Take your gums which are not red as blood: namely that of Jupiter, the Moon and Saturn, and let them digest in Athanor until they become red like those of Gold, of Mars, after processes with these two perfect, and four imperfect metals as you did with magnesia and you will have admirable tinctures with which we make big things, etc. Guard the residences well because they contain the common salts of metals.
Item the sun and the hidden moon

Take the body salt of Magnesia and put two matras in one as much as in the other, it must remain three quarters empty, sealed hermetically and put them in the secret furnace in the ashes, given to the beginning small fire, the crescent of 8 in 8 days little by little, because if you gave big fire at the beginning your vessel would burst and the furnace would also run great danger, therefore do not hurry and by the first degree of fire your matter will become black as coal, then greenish after glasses all the colors in the world, then your material will come grayish after will be white as milk or snow. Take off your matras and you will have the moon, white Lilig of the philosophers
Continue the fire under the other matras, strengthening your fire for 8 days in 8 days without interruption, and your nature will become yellowish, then reddish, then red. Finally will become dark red like purple and then let the fire go out, and you will have red Lilig of the philosophers, from which divine works are done as you will have below, in this consists of such a great secret that we cannot believe as we hear and know the true Children of Science, you will also have the hidden Sun of the philosophers.

Take three parts of the star of the Shield and grind it, then melt it in a crucible and have in another crucible a part of mercury Exalted, I am all hot in the crucible where the magnesia is and mix with a stick, then throw cold water on it, wash and dry well, then grind impalpably on the marble, put the said powder in a matra with a wide neck and pour over a little Royal water, put to exhale on the ashes hot, water again and exhale as before, repeat this action with .7. times ; but between each watering you must grind your powder very finely, and thus this first operation is completed.
Now put your powder, which will be white, in another bowl, and pour distilled water over it so that it floats by .5. fingers, and boil everything on hot ashes for the space of two hours, let it rest and throw your water in by inclination, put other on top as before and boil everything, repeated this so many times that your water no longer smells no sourness putting it on the tongue, then dry your powder in the sun or similar heat, keeping well to approach it to a greater, and your powder is ready.
Put the said powder thus sweetened into the philosophers' egg, sealed hermetically, put the matra on the ashes and initially set the fire very low, always continuing for 8 in 8 days, until your powder becomes redder than blood. Finally give the fire as you did in the administration of white and red Lilig and you will have the flower of the Copper of the philosophers, sought by many but found by few.

Philosophers take Mercury frozen by nature and animate and revify it by Art, thus from two things, by the third, the first Circle of the Sages is made, etc.
Take therefore according to this axiom an ounce of the of our low Astronomy, which has rotated seven times by the sphere of Saturn, passed through the bath of Vulcan, and when you see that the sweat begins to run down all along its horns, throw it half an ounce of the powder of your and they will immediately melt together into a metallic liquor, which you throw in a bundle, and you will have a substance similar to . Grind it fine.
Heavenly Earth
Put .4. ounces of exalted mercury in a matra with a long and wide neck, throw your powder on top, stir vigorously between your hands for a quarter of an hour, and they will amalgamate together. Stopper your mattress well and put it in the bath or horse manure for .24. hours so that the material putrefies, which then pour in a marble mortar and grind it very well with a wooden pestle for the space of an hour, pour clean water over it, always stir with your wooden pestle and your water will become very cloudy and black, throw it away by inclination and keep it well, because this blackness is the second earth called Celestial, in which consists a great Arcanum for all the works of philosophers. Grind your Amalgam again for a while, then throw clean water on it again, grind, pour the blackening water with the previous one, repeat this rotting, washing and grinding until your amalgam no longer turns black, and pouring water over it, does not cloud or blacken in any way, and your said amalgam is more than silvery clear and shiny, etc. Now note this axiom.
Just as Vulgal mercury is the first material of natural metals, so is magical Mercury the first material not only of magical metals, but also of ores, Elixir and stone, because it must be at the beginning , middle and end of all the works of philosophers.
So take the above-mentioned amalgam and put it in a retort, applying a suitable container which is half filled with water, put it on the stove to fire the ashes. Give the space .6. hours small fire, which could be equal to the heat of the sun being after the scorching star, and you feel your ashes, heating up like iron or lead in the month of August, redoubled after this heat by space of .6. other hours, which have passed add the third degree and you will have a murmur if you listen to the container, you must not strengthen the fire until the noise has ceased, then boldly give the fire of the 4th degree, dividing it however in .4. parts, under the first of this 4th degree the collar will become silvery, under the second will begin to emerge and under the third and fourth the distillation of this Mercury of the philosophers will be completed, to the great satisfaction of the Artist. Discard the water from the container carefully and dry well this young Eaglet having the artist for father and nature for mother, rejoice in its clear, pure and brilliant color, and on the other hand know that you now have the key to open the most secret cabinets of nature, because:
Nature only surrenders in nature, nature only amends in nature, nature only rejoices, operates, opens, closes and multiplies only in nature .
And this mercury is generated by the greatest virtue and mystery of nature; for so much he says of himself:
Axiom of the mercury of the philosophers:
I am water and fire, bath and droppings, hermaphrodite, body and spirit and soul, triple vessel of Hermes, triple furnace and the true Sigillah of the Sages. I open everything and no one closes, I close and no one opens, yet in me is everything that the Sages seek.
Also this mercury penetrates all metals, separates their elements, namely Sulfur and Mercury reducing them to their first matter, (which common Mercury cannot do if it is not animated and so that it is triple otherwise does not transmute the other two into its nature like metals, radically, but separates itself from them, etc.), for so much so that it is called Gehenna fire, Mercury of Mercury, Sky, strong vinegar, brandy metallic, and for the love of its corroding quality Harmoniac salt, Nitre salt, Rock salt, alum, vitriol and Common salt, etc. For if it is duly amalgamated with the metals it never desists from reducing them to its nature, vivifying their dead Mercury and separating from them the external agent which is their Sulfur which is subsequently called Vitriolated Sulphur. So doing the Anatomy of Metals you see what metals are. It is also called permanent water, because being once joined with them by radical solution never separates from them; it is subtle, pure, Heavenly, at all free from abundant humidity and sulphurous combustibility, for so many of the medium mercurial substances, Spirit of mercury, Volatile gold, fire of nature, mercury magic, Mercury born of a virginal sulfur, urine children, golden and silver fountain, animated Mercury. All the bodies that he dissolves, he reduces to gold and silver by means of his appropriate fire, yet it is said of him: — he dissolves metals powerfully. Volatile gold, fire of nature, magical mercury, Mercury born from virginal sulfur, children's urine, golden and silver fountain, animated Mercury. All the bodies that he dissolves, he reduces to gold and silver by means of his appropriate fire, yet it is said of him: — he dissolves metals powerfully. Volatile gold, fire of nature, magical mercury, Mercury born from virginal sulfur, children's urine, golden and silver fountain, animated Mercury. All the bodies that he dissolves, he reduces to gold and silver by means of his appropriate fire, yet it is said of him: — he dissolves metals powerfully.
Our mercury burns bodies more than the fire of Hell.
Thus he reduces the Solar Body into a pure Spirit, then it is regenerated and loses its first name, and is called Unctuous Mercury, Green Lion, etc. It was also then that the second Circle of Philosophers was completed. Finally it tightens all solid bodies and opens all the locks of nature, which common mercury cannot do if it is not animated, as you are taught in the Artificial Generation of this mercury. This mercury is still a lively unctuous metallic liquor, extremely demanding the Conjunction of the interior of the metals and rejoicing in their nature, for so much so powerfully does it dissolve them, so that it happens that it alone can generate the stone of the philosophers, and complete the work in its beginning, middle and end, for it is nothing other than a spiritual gold, which revitalizing the corporeal gold dissolves it, and the said corporeal gold engrosses the spiritual gold, thus the Spirit becomes Body and the Body Spirit and both a spiritual body, even a spiritual and celestial gold which sown and incorporated in its own subject generates gold in infinity. And to verify this: to know that our mercury is only a pure and spiritual gold, take a little of your amalgam and evaporate your mercury on a silver blade, you will visibly see your silver dyed with most beautiful gold in the world, but this dye is not permanent but is ultimately driven away by fire. What our poor Evangelists of Rupechissa should have considered and noted this axiom: even a spiritual and celestial gold which, sown and incorporated into its own subject, generates gold in infinity. And to verify this: to know that our mercury is only a pure and spiritual gold, take a little of your amalgam and evaporate your mercury on a silver blade, you will visibly see your silver dyed with most beautiful gold in the world, but this dye is not permanent but is ultimately driven away by fire.
What our poor Evangelists of Rupechissa should have considered and noted this axiom: even a spiritual and celestial gold which, sown and incorporated into its own subject, generates gold in infinity. And to verify this: to know that our mercury is only a pure and spiritual gold, take a little of your amalgam and evaporate your mercury on a silver blade, you will visibly see your silver dyed with most beautiful gold in the world, but this dye is not permanent but is ultimately driven away by fire. What our poor Evangelists of Rupechissa should have considered and noted this axiom: but this dye is not permanent but is in the end driven away by fire. What our poor Evangelists of Rupechissa should have considered and noted this axiom: but this dye is not permanent but is in the end driven away by fire. What our poor Evangelists of Rupechissa should have considered and noted this axiom:
Our mercury cannot dye bodies unless it is first dyed itself.
Because the philosopher's stone is nothing other than the very perfect tincture of gold and silver. Gold gives a golden dye, and silver gives a silver dye. Whoever understands all this well, the deceptions of the Alchemists are not unknown to him, they know well that the dye is in the mercury, but always trying to fix it, they do not take care that it loses its power to dye being fixed: so even if they had their matter fixed, they would benefit as much as before, because when they wanted to make a projection they would not know that thus all their work was for naught, not hearing the words of the philosophers.
However, there is a way to dye the Moon in fine gold, I saw someone who has often done it, and also often failed, whoever wants to do it, he must know how to work well with the appropriate fire which draws the Tincture and the Body into each other, and this is the cause that one enters into the other. And when he has united them he flies away in the cast iron. Because it is necessary that the Tincture blends with the Moon, then the work is perfect. Certainly in this consists a great secret hidden from every man, so that all must fail and those who seek another way to dye the Moon and other metals will fail. I know that there are many ways and means to dye the Moon, but they are not firm. We must also consider here that:
What fixes mercury also dyes it by the same practice.
However, we cannot artificially fix the common mercury, even less that of Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, having only the matter and not the nature of metals. However, I do not want to conceal from you that the simple mercury of Mars can be fixed in gold, also that of all the other metals being resolved in our Heaven by means of white and red Sulfur, in it and with the appropriate fire. So you now have the double mercury required for all the works of philosophers. Because so that it is triple, the third is only as an aid, because having digested, vivified and united the Spirits, separates itself from them and becomes body. Inside you will find the rest of your white powder, here and there in no way golden. If your magnesia was made of good Fabrics and Exalted Mercury and well prepared, and without sophistication, found it:

Take the Celestial earth or the darkness which came to you while washing your Amalgam, and put it in a reverberation vessel to Calcine at violent fire for the space of 24 hours, after grinding very subtle with the simple fiery spirit of your magnesia and street lights like in front, (there is no need to fight your street light, just cover it with a tile.), repeat this so many times that your land becomes snow white.
Pour a good quantity of vinegar over it and put it in a boiling bath for .4. days, stirring the material by .4. or .5. times a day with a wooden spatula; the .4. past days let the fire die and let the matter rest for .24. hours, pour it by inclination or pull it by the glass attractor as you see depicted here. Calcine, do it again, and throw more Vinegar on it and do as before, separate the vinegar as before. Finally, repeat this procedure so many times that there is nothing left in the soil which you will throw away. Now take your vinegar and distill it in the bath, and at the bottom there will remain a white salt which you will dissolve in the clean distilled water, which does not want to dissolve in the above-mentioned water, dry it and put it to reverberate the space of .24. hours, then resolve again in vinegar then later in water, distill your water and you will remain a crystalline salt and thus will have your Celestial earth dissolved in water as all philosophers command, relamp this salt very gently and resolve it again in water and distill , you will have an even more crystalline salt, do this so many times that he no longer releases feces and you will have an incomparable secret. Keep the good carefully in a vessel of glass, it is the true fire appropriated by the philosophers, a spirit or Chaos transforming itself into every form, a Sulfur which alone can be transmuted, being in this different from the Sulfur of other metals, which cannot be changed to another form. But this appropriate fire is the subject of all wonders.
Without this Salt, Spirits cannot penetrate and join radically with bodies, and without it one body cannot penetrate into another, no true tincture can be given without this salt. And to understand this better, listen to the comparison that Isaac Hollandais gives us, at the end of his second book on the works of minerals, of a cloth dyer; stating that the white sheet is the body, the rubre the soul or the Tincture and the alum the spirit, or the average substance between the soul and the Body, without which nothing is done, because if the alum is not put to work the rubre cannot can enter the sheet and remains fixed apart, and is lost invisibly and the sheet remains pale.
For the color of the rubre is the soul and the alum participates in both, which causes (by means of water) that one enters into the other. The dyer boils the sheet with alum and rub in water, and when he sees that the dye has entered the sheet, he hangs it in the air so that it dries. The water goes away and the color remains fixed in the sheet. We must have the same consideration for our works, because so that our bodies, Spirits and metallic souls are well prepared, they will not enter deeply into each other, will never remain there together without the means of our fire or dry water, or harmoniac salt. So what do our poor Evangelists think they are doing, they need this fire, this salt or this dry water, and in order to have the good news quickly, listen gentlemen to what Geber says: Our water is not water of the clouds.
And Aristoteles: our water is dry water.
And Hermes said: our water is taken from a nasty and stinking menstrual matter.
Dauthimis assures that the said water is found in old stables, sentinels, or stinking wardrobes.
Item Morienus says: Our water grows in the mountains and valleys, and the foolish Alchemists do not hear these words, they think it is mercury and they are very wrong.
Because it is water or dry fire that gives Ingrès, bringing together the mineral spirits, soul and body, and when he has assembled and conjoined them, separates from them, leaving them fixed together.
This fire or water is found in everything in the world, because if it were not, in vain would we claim to do any work that was good, because how could we ensure that our prepared materials would have ingredients in each other? yet this fire and dry water are necessary for mineral, plant and animal works. This is why wanting to work on the great work or no fixation, multiplication and conjunction, we must have this fire or dry water. For so much said Isaac Hollandais above: all the works that I have written are good and praiseworthy, but two things are not named there, namely the Spirit and dry water the true weight and the congregation, for so much I adjure (said he) all those into whose hands this little treatise may fall and who will hear it,
Put part of your well-ground salt in a circulator and pour over it.4. parts of your Heaven or Spirit of the vinegar does not circulate, sigil hermetically, circulate with the steam of the bath for the space of 8 days, open your circulatory and distill your spirit, and the water will come out tasteless, put more on it and make as before, then put a little of your salt on an iron blade and see if it all goes into smoke, put it in a sublimatory, give the fire by degree, and your dry water will sublimate like camphor; keep it good because you have a great Treasure.
Take the straight Essence of gold made with Salt of

and with Mercury, sublimated with red, sublimated 10 times with fish then take a part of the said gold and found it with magnesia, which it have half its weight, throw in ingot and pulverize well, mix .4. times as much of the said fish as there is gold, mixed and proceed in all manner as you proceeded in making the mercury of the philosophers and your amalgam will pass through a cloth, delegem it and put it in its well-signed vessel, symposiums the said vessel inside the athanor and you will have by this first freezing the first Sulfur of the philosophers, of coagulating fire.

SALT The salts of metals generate the stone
All salt of metals is elixir
The salts of metals make the Philosopher's Stone, and:
All metallic salt is Elixir
Seeing therefore the virtue and dignities of the metallic salts, we will begin our practice of them to run the first time and according to the second titles by the hand of the philosophers beginning with the Key and Common Salt of the philosophers, taking as subject the magical Moon or our clear star, of which it should be noted that when we say metals are natural creatures of the seven Hearts of Heaven, like gold: that of the Sun, silver: that of the moon, etc. However, it is not necessary to understand that the Heavenly Moon is the mother of our Moon, but a Celestial Mercury etc. This be said as a warning to the sons of Science.
Common salt practice
To make the common salt of philosophers, take the magic Moon and cut it into very small pieces, make an etching of ii of B ii E and iiij of . Dissolve your Moon in this strong water (rectify first according to the art), take the said solution and put it in a glass still, put the cap on it (which must have a hole at the top) and distill your water seven times on your Moon by way of Cohobation. Distill once again afterwards with the ashes until they are reddened or with a moderate fire of sand, so that the lime does not melt; this means letting your fire go out by itself. Pour a good quantity of common water over your lime, boil it in the ashes for two hours, then let it rest for the same amount of time and draw the salt water through your drawer, pour more distilled water over your lime, boil again then let stand and remove the water; repeat this until your water comes out soft, and your lime will be well delegumeed and sweetened.
Now pour good distilled wine vinegar over your lime so that it floats well, dissolve it in the bath and your vinegar will turn a celestial color, which is a good sign; pour this vinegar by inclination, kept in a warm place, pour other vinegar over it and do as before, repeated so many times that your lime is all dissolved in Celestial liquor.
Distill all your vinegar and at the bottom there will remain a very subtle substance, which reverberates in the Athanor over a low heat, for three days, then pour distilled water over it and dissolve the ashes over low heat. Pour this water separately and pour more on top until the water no longer dissolves anything. Dissolve your residual matter again in vinegar, then dissolve it again in water, continuing this same procedure so many times that your material passes all into common water. Then do you have the common salt of the philosophers after you have drawn your water. So you can make salt from other metals. It's the same procedure, etc.

Fac fixum volatile
Note that you must mix 3 times as much calcined talc with the salt.
Now take your common salt and pulverize it well, put the powder in a glass sublimator, give a very small fire at the beginning, increasing little by little, and it will sublime to the top a strong crystalline salt, always continue the fire as long as it does not no longer sublimates anything, and you will have the true alum of the philosophers, which combines the Tincture and the body together, which you will still sublimate so many times that it no longer leaves any feces at the bottom, this Salt is also called of the Sages: suc lunar, virginal milk, Sulfur, white Arsenic, etc., and is included under the Lantern of the hand of the philosophers

Fac volatile fixum
Now take all the earth that remains to you from the sublimation of your alum and grind well with talcum lime, or salt, emptying most of your earth, put very strong vinegar on it and your earth will dissolve. Pour the said solution very slowly aside, and pour other vinegar over the rest, dissolve as before, do this so many times that your vinegar no longer attracts, throw away the rest and distill your vinegar through the bath and at the bottom it will remain a very beautiful salt, which you dissolve in distilled water so many times that it no longer leaves faeces, but is clear as a crystal, which you must again dissolve in the simple vinegar (of the star) and the freeze so often that it no longer wants to freeze, but will remain as a fixed oil.
Visitabis - Rectificando - Lapidem
Interiora - Invenies - Veram
Terra - Occultum - Medicina
There are three kinds of vitriol of the philosophers, namely the vitriol called centric, the Sulfur Vitriol or vitriolated Sulfur, and the corporeal Vitriol of metals called Roman or universal vitriol, because it is common to all metals.
For centric vitriol it is prepared as follows: let's take Saturn for example. Dissolve it in strong water or in our menstruation, then rush it and wash it well until the water comes out soft, then put it to reverberate in the athanor or reverberator furnace for the space of .12. or .13. days, after dissolving your swollen earth in good distilled vinegar, then rectifying the salt in water and you will have a very precious vitriol of which Isaac Hollandais teaches the preparation very amply, which must be resorted to in order to avoid prolixity here.
The Sulfur vitriol of metals is prepared in the same way as the Harmonic Salt, here taught by the Sun, although I will not speak further about it.
Roman vitriol is made of metals then resolves into Common water after being reverberated, of which practice the said Isaac Hollandais gives ample instruction, to which one must resort in order to avoid prolixity.
Let's take the Moon as an example and subject. It must be dissolved in its strong water or better in our menstruation, then freeze it and precipitate and wash and reverberate the space of .20. days in a closed vessel, then it is necessary to sublimate and the mercury will rise to a very transparent top, which must be dissolved in the strong water, dulcified, and then reverberated as the Spirits are reverberated, so that the heat only comes from above the space of eight days, however it will turn into Salt, which must be dissolved in vinegar then in common water after cooking it in a matras, just as you are taught in the composition of white and red Ilig, and your salt will remain red as blood, which must now be dissolved in the vinegar of the philosophers, so many times that it remains clear as an oriental rubin, and melting in the heat like a gum and you will have the real Saltpeter or salt from the philosophers' stone; in the same way you can make other planets. This secret here surpasses all the secrets of the world, because you can in a short time without great care and labor, achieve a great projection of which see Isaac who speaks more fully. Keep well the feces that remained from sublimation, because in them is the Centric vitriol of the Moon.
Take one part of your volatile harmoniac salt and four parts of your stony salt, mix them well together, and put everything in a retort and distill everything together giving fire little by little and there will come out a very precious oil, which cannot be paid for by no treasure, however great; and because this Divine liquor can be resolved in common water is called mercurial salt, we work wonders with this oil as Isaac says very well in his treatise on the oils of metals, but he hid very well in this place (as he does in all his works), the Addition of the Harmonic Salt of the philosophers, without which no work can be perfect, as we said in the preparation of the appropriate fire of the philosophers to which I refer you, etc.
Take the earth left over from the sublimation of Saltpeter (or Mercury of the Moon) which I ordered you to keep under the practice of Saltpetre of the philosophers and reduce it into crystalline salt, according to the method that I gave you under the practice of the Centric Salt of metals. When you have your salt dissolved in common water and very crystalline without any feces:
Put the good powder and put it in a matra on the hot ashes and your salt will melt, put your oil taste to taste on your melted salt and they will immediately join well together, by means of the appropriate fire or harmoniac salt which is inside your salt or mercurial liquor, put under the Lamp for the space of three or four days and everything will congeal into a fixed salt redder than blood. It is the true Sulfur Salt of the philosophers, the end of their work in this matter, says the great Salt, which after being increased makes a great projection as you will have in our treatise called the Phoebus. Rich and admirable work and so great that human understanding cannot understand, etc.
Solvite Corpora in aquas
Take the fish and delegume it according to the art, crushed into a pound with Harmoniac Star Salt .2. ounces, mixed after all with a book of sea salt prepared on a marble stone until we no longer see said fish, then put it to be sublimated in a glass sublimatory, and your mercury will sublimate white as snow, grind said sublimated again with other prepared salt and sublimate it as before, do this so many times that your mercury sublimates clear as a crystal and is very hard, then sublimate it once again alone to see if it will still leave feces, etc. Put the said Mercury on a marble and crush it impalpably, then put it inside a Hell and the said Hell inside another earthen vessel whose lid closes well, just as you see depicted here.

a) hell
b) Tripod
You will put the said vessel in the Athanor and you will give such a fire that you will easily hold molten lead in the said furnace, but, then you do not have to make the box of earth, but will put your Hell so that the heat hits from top to bottom. Or put the whole instrument as you see it in the fire of the ashes, which you know and leave it there in equal heat for the space of .6. weeks and your fish will dissolve into Salt. Remove it and crush it impalpably on the hot marble, then put the powder in a suitable bag of clean white cloth, place everything inside in a damp cellar, put a glass under the tip of the bag and in a short time your material will dissolve into a clear and clean water, which is called the fountain of the philosophers and Celestial water.
Take the good Moon from a cup and dissolve it in celestial mercurial water according to the art, remove your water by inclination from above the feces, then put the said water in an alembic of glass with its cover and container, freeze over a low heat then sublimate your water at the top and at the bottom your Astralized Moon will remain and in the cover will be your frozen fountain which you will grind very subtly, and put to dissolve in the cellar as before, and it is endlessly good.
Take part of your Astral Moon and mix it with .3. parts of the fish, put to putrefaction and then wash well clean, after take the said amalgam and distilled on the ashes and your moon will be calcined and clean, founded a part of this Moon with half of its weight of the star32, founded together then mix .4. times as much fish as the Moon weighs, stir well, putrefy, wash and do in any case as you did in the composition of the fish without distilling your amalgam, to which you will add twelve times as much mercury as it weighs, and put in the bath every eight days, then wash until nothing comes out, keep all the blackness aside because it is the Vitriol of the Moon, continue this until nothing comes out,
Take part of the Astral Moon and .4. parts of the Diana of the philosophers, amalgamate together, wash well, then add twelve parts (with regard to the amalgam) of your Diana, put on hot ashes and everything will resolve into Current mercury, leaving at the bottom the vitriolated Sulfur which keep aside to make Sulfurous Vitriol Salt as said.
Take the lime of Saturn, the reverberated powder of Jupiter, and the flowers of Venus, dissolve whichever you want in the fountain and it will become Astral, amalgamate the Moon the fish and do in any case as you are taught in the practice of our Diana , which you will also increase in the same way and you will have the Mercury of these imperfect metals serving to be reduced to Sun and Moon according to the way of abbreviation by means of red and white Sulfur in the appropriate fire, etc.
Take gold which has passed or been dissolved in the Celestial water a part, Mercury well purged .4. parts, of half a part, founded on with Sun throw into an ingot mold and pulverize well, throw your mercury on it and proceed in any case as you did in the composition of the philosophers' mercury.
Now melt what will have remained in the retorte, and add half its weight again put on top your distilled mercury, putrefy wash until it is clean and it will vivify, distill as before and you get the Phoebus from the philosophers and true metallic water of life, which you will increase in quantity as follows.
Take from the Sun which has passed through the Celestial water one part and eight parts of good oil of tartar of wine, or as much as the gold of eight fingers floats, put to digest in the droppings the space of eight days, throw away your oil by inclination and wash your lime well with hot distilled water then take the said lime one part, and amalgamated with .6. parts of the aforementioned mercury, and when they are well amalgamated, expressed very strongly the mercury so that only as much Mercury or Phoebus remains as there is gold, grind well on the marble then throw in a matra having the long neck and pour on it .23. parts of your Phoebus, mark the matra and put on the open fire, and the mercury will revive in a short time which you wash and delegmerize in the bath (as taught by Isaac Hollandais) and also can increase it infinitely.
Taken from the flowers of Mars by means of distilled vinegar, after dissolve the said flowers in the Celestial water, and Mars will become familiar with the O.
So take a part of this lime made by the said Celestial water, part, and O .4. parts, make an amalgam putrefy it the space of .24. hours then wash, do this so many times that your amalgam no longer produces any fat, distill and you will have the Mercury of Mars which you will increase as you were told about our Phoebus, etc.
It should be noted in this practice that each metal has its solution time, one shorter and the other longer, because I could well make the Mercury of Saturn in one day which would not be that of Venus in two months, etc.
Order Mars to transmute into Venus through the azure bluish bath, passing it seven times through the Vulcan bath, then washing it in the said bluish bath, finally leaving it in and lighting the fire under the said bath for the quarter space hours so that it cooks well, after boiling for a quarter of an hour, throw in .4. ounces of O, leave it in for half a quarter of an hour then pour it out and remove the exanimate limbs of Mars, wash your amalgam well in water thoroughly so that the residence of Mars comes out, put a small mattress inside, sigille at putrify the space of eight days in the droppings or in the bath, and after wash it and the mercury will always show green on its surface it is the Sulfur of Venus vitriol (from which we obtain a salt as you learned above), mix again and putrefy for eight days then wash as before, do this as long as your amalgam no longer emits sulfur, but is clear as a mirror, then distill everything in the same way as you distilled the O and at the bottom it will remain a mass holding strong together, found it and you will have very good money, the mercury which will be in the container is very brilliant, and a marvelous and terrible mercury deadly like the venom of the basilisk, however does everything that the artist desires as will experiment everyone who will work with him. This is our 4th mercury. the mercury which will be in the container is very brilliant, and a wonderful and terrible mercury deadly like the venom of the basilisk, however does everything that the artist desires as all those who work with him will experience. This is our 4th mercury. the mercury which will be in the container is very brilliant, and a wonderful and terrible mercury deadly like the venom of the basilisk, however does everything that the artist desires as all those who work with him will experience. This is our 4th mercury.
If you dissolve the other metals each in its own water, you will be able to make their mercury, etc. in the same way.
Take a part of the Celestial Water Moon and amalgamate it with .24. parts of the basil, put to putrefaction in the bath and processes in the same way as if you wanted to make the mercury of the philosophers or fish, washing and putrefying then distilling and you will have the vegetable or crescent mercury, well kept the blackness which comes from it because it is pure gold, etc.
Now take the said vegetable mercury and amalgamate it with the 24th part of this gold which came out black from the vegetable mercury, dissolving it in the Celestial water or other gold dissolved in the said water and proceed with this mercury as you have made with the vegetable, and you will have animal Mercury, or mineral, vegetable and animal which is our monarchy because of the denomination it has on vegetable and animal minerals, etc.
Take the true sulfur of the escutcheon, a part, of the Mercury of the philosophers.9. parts, suitable fire salt 1/20 part. Amalgamations well together, put in the Ashes and subjugate the fire of the first degree and you will see all your material come to life and become a golden elixir, which has in itself all the virtue of gold like the broth that of a Capon, if you want you can separate the sulfur from the said Azoth according to the teachings of Hermes, Geber, Alamis, Arnoldus of Villanova and Libavius, etc., but I advise you to let it finish cooking into sulfur according to the commandment of the philosopher who says do it works in a vessel, in a furnace, without touching it, etc.
As the first mercury of the hand is a water which wets the hands, so is the sulfurous mercury an oil which wets but incombustible and is made thus: Take the Azoth decooked into red sulfur and refreshed and fusible and dissolve in our Quintessence or Heaven fortified with its tartar, sublimated so many times always renewing your solvent that your sulfur remains liquid like a thick oil, which is a mercurial fire to cook in a short time as much fish as you want, this is the mercury and King of all mercuries so called Salamander of the philosophers, etc., because of its igneous nature.
Solve, Coagula, Fixa
Take the vitriol of metals as we described the way of doing it in the collection of Isaac Hollandais and dissolve it in Common water, distill everything in the same way as we treat Roman vitriol, and when by this solution the feces are separated, dry at the heat of the bath your vitriol which will be very beautiful and grind it impalpably in a glass, then put the said powder in a matra with a long neck, sigil hermetically, leaving 3/4 of the said matra empty then put in the Athanor giving firstly a small fire, then gradually increasing it by ten in ten days and your material will always change color and ultimately become red and ruddy like blood, and when you see that it no longer increases in color, let the fire go out,and removed your matter which will crush impalpably and dissolve it in the Heaven of philosophers, as long as it remains like a gum or black blood (of a bull), then do you have the first sulfur of philosophers called common sulfur from which we work wonders in this Science, because an oil is distilled which increases the oil or viscosity of gold, making a great projection on the silver of the cup, and is the shortest and most certain path of universal art, and is done without much cost and although it largely rewards the artist, we will show the method more fully in our Phoebus, etc.
because we distill an oil which increases the oil or viscosity of the gold, making a great projection on the silver of the cup, and is the shortest and most certain path of universal art, and is done without much cost and whatever it is it largely rewards the artist, we will show the method more fully in our Phoebus, etc.because we distill an oil which increases the oil or viscosity of the gold, making a great projection on the silver of the cup, and is the shortest and most certain path of universal art, and is done without much cost and whatever it is it largely rewards the artist, we will show the method more fully in our Phoebus, etc.
Make a strong water of BF ana i E ij as much of one as of the other according to the art, purify the said water afterwards with small blades of silver by letting it digest in the bath for three days, then pour in your water by inclination, and it will be ready to dissolve your gold.
Take gold well purged with antimony and dissolve it in the said water according to the way of the art, nourishing it and then putrefying it for twelve days, then remove your strong water by distillation of sand, cohobant by seven times and at the end giving a big fire so that the spirits of the strong water come out, after wash your golden lime with distilled water, as long as it comes out soft, dry your lime and it is prepared for the first time.
Now make another strong water of harmoniac salt and Saltpetre ana, grind well together, and put the retort in it, but do not burn the container until the spirits have come out, because everything will break, but when you see the humidity coming out in a row then wash the container well and continue your distillation by degrees according to the art, purify this water like the previous one with silver filings and it will be ready.
Now take a part of your powder and dissolve it according to the art in this last strong water, put the solution in an alembic and the said alembic with its container in the bath, which will not be hotter than your hand could easily endure in this one without burning yourself, distil day and night by this medium heat until your material begins to thicken at the bottom, then pour through the hole that your screed must have at the top other strong water in the same quantity as the first, and distil as before until it begins to thicken again, then pour more and new strong water over it, as before, and thus it is necessary to repeat this infusion always with new water, three times , then let your still cool in the bath, remove the container and cover it well with wax.
Remove the screed and take a scruple of your material, put it in a suitable glass vessel, throw common distilled water on it, put your matras on the ashes stove and let it boil for half an hour, then let the fire go out and rest the material the space of .24. hours, and your powder will have fallen to the bottom of the vessel, draw your water through the glass drawer and exhale the rest or little water which remains with your powder, when your gold powder is dry remove it, and blush a strip of silver and put a little of your powder on it, see if your powder smokes, if it smokes keep away from the smoke because it is deadly and could kill, for the love that the Sun is now at all open and made spiritual, if now, it smokes and goes away at all not remaining put on your silver lamina,
However, put your cap again on your still, and pour new strong water on it again in the same way and quantity as before, and also distilled as said is, and dulcify and take your powder and reiterated so many times until you see that there is nothing left of your powder on the red silver lamina, and it will now be ready to be sublimated.
So take all your gold powder from which you have driven the spirits out of the bath with great fire and put it in a large and strong matra, and pour over it a large quantity of common water.3. or .4. once distilled by the bath, boil it on the ashes for an hour, let it cool of its own accord and rest for twice 24 hours and your gold powder will be at the very bottom, pull it water with the glass rack and exhale the rest, pour more distilled water over it and do as before, mixing well with the powder using a wooden spatula, let it boil again as before then draw it out. water and dry. You will repeat this action at least five or six times, or until there are no strong water spirits left.
Now take a very strong sublimatory vessel and make a furnace on purpose, which surrounds the said vessel so much on all sides that no heat can pass between the wall of your furnace and the body of your sublimatory, and place your vessel in the basin. filled with ashes, so that they do not exceed in height the matter of gold, which is in your vessel. Luster your cover well with a bed made in such a way that you are certain that your spirits cannot penetrate it, because they are so subtle, so penetrative, that if they penetrated the said bed and you received them, you would die. because they would dissolve the continent in your Heart to which by an occult virtue they go straight, yet be careful, etc.
Sublimate your sublimate again and it will rise easily, repeating it 3 or 4 times, that it leaves more of the feces, then it is enough because if you thought it would sublimate further it would become so subtle that it would penetrate the glass and would also lose your matter from which the Interior has now come out externally, and is the noblest matter that is under Heaven, surpassing in clarity and whiteness the clearest and most beautiful Crystal in the world; also you have red arsenic because under this whiteness is hidden an extreme redness, and is this golden arsenic, the true matter of Hermes the three great, etc.
If you want white sulfur you must take the fixed moon instead of gold, and proceed in any case as you did with the Sun, etc.
No gold is generated unless it was first silver.
Silver cannot be White Sulfur unless it is fixed: because the Imperfect cannot perfect an Imperfect.
True spagyric science is only by bringing a very perfect person to average perfection a very imperfect one.
Gold is the most perfect not only in its surface and appearance, but without measure in its Interior and Center.
To therefore take the trouble to perfect the imperfect ones would be a pain taken with cheerfulness of heart for the philosopher emerging from the trouble since in the production of Sulfur he must necessarily come there, and be forced to carry out the first Commandment, which says:
Make the volatile fixed and the volatile fixed.
It will therefore be safer and shorter for him to demote the fixed gold into white and volatile sulfur, and fix it afterwards.
So that what once has been fixed becomes fixed later more lightly, than to purge it imperfectly, rectify it and fix it, and then again make it volatile in order to make the legitimate Conjunction with mercury, that would be taking the most long way (like schoolchildren), because:
He who does not know how to make money from gold cannot make money from gold.
To shorten the path and in order to avoid this unfortunate preparation and fixation of silver, so that it can, according to the second axiom mentioned above, be sulfur in the white, you will take gold purged 7 times by the Dragon and mix it (one part) with 4 parts of the fish according to the art, then wash it with calande or salt water so that no blackness comes out, then wash again with fresh, warm water to remove all the salt, dry your amalgam and put it in a vessel as is depicted here.
this is the best way
Make a fire under the basin with ashes, little by little thus strengthening the fire, the mercury will rise in the pointed cap, leaving your gold to calcine, you must repeat this action ten times or until the mercury no longer blackens your gold, it would be good to grind each time your gold separated from the mercury with prepared salt, and then remove your salt by washing with hot water and then always amalgamate it with the mercury, because this way your gold will become more subtle and the mercury will clean up better.
Take part of your gold thus cleaned and put it to redden very gently in a new crucible, then throw half of its weight on it and they will immediately melt together, throw it into an ingot and grind your impalpable material on the marble and amalgamates it with .4. parts (with regard to your gold) of your mercury which has calcined your gold, put the powder in a matra then pour the mercury on top and stir very hard between your hands and the mercury will not want to amalgamate with the gold, to as long as it is necessary to putrefy in the bath and it will set, leave in the said bath the space of 24 hours then pour in a marble mortar and wash and grind34 all the same as you do making the mercury of the philosophers, and it will come out a dark force, and then mercury will greedily take gold,
Put the said amalgam in the bath in a still and its cap on it for the space of 10 or 12 days, as long as it no longer distils water, or dry it with a clean, hot cloth.
This amalgam thus prepared will be placed in a small glass egg and sealed hermetically then put to cook in the athanor with the 3.4 degree of fire, and your material will settle with the 3.4 degree and will precipitate into a powder whiter than snow, which is our Eagle and White Brimstone, etc.
Take a part of the powder of your Eagle and amalgam it with 29 parts of the O, wash in the same way as you did with the gold, so that when your mercury no longer blackens the eagle you will melt your powder with half of its weight of then amalgamate with 29 parts of the above-mentioned O, putrefy it and wash until your material is very clean, put the said amalgam in a strong matras, 5 parts of good oil of common tartar (from wine) put to putrefaction the space of 12 days, then distilled by the ashes and all the material will rise sharply and you will have excellent mercury.
Now prepare gold sublimating the O above by 20 times, then melt the said gold with its half of the O as you have done here before, then amalgamate the said gold with 4 parts of its weight of this mercury animated with the eagle, putrefy, wash and distill everything in the same way as you did in the operation of the white eagle, and you will have a very precious amalgam which you will put in its egg, and sigil according to the art, then the cook as before and it will become black, gray and white; go beyond and gradually strengthen your fire, and your matter will become citrine yellow and red and finally sanguine and purple, and also you have the red lion, the true gold of the philosophers which is the red husband as the white Eagle is in other words the white female.
Take 3 parts of your white eagle and a part of red lion put in a crucible, and when they begin to turn red on the fire throw on top of the powder, half, as long as they place both together, and it will will make in an instant the Conjunction or marriage of the red husband and his white female (96). Take the said mixture and amalgam it with 4 parts of the simple philosophers' , in the same way as you did above, purify and wash until your amalgam is very clear then put its glass egg inside and sigil according to the art, put the Athanor in it and put it to putrefaction, giving a very small fire, and your matter will become black, then many colors will appear, finally by the diligence of the artist and his government of fire, your matter will become white like the snow which is the first head of the double eagle; always continue the fire and your matter will become redder than rubin, and also will be the other head of the eagle and finally this double eagle, which converts all the birds of Heaven into eagles, as you see in our Phoebus, etc.
Take a part of the red lion and amalgam it with 6 parts of the mercury of the philosophers sublimating by 10 times the Mercury of the philosophers on top of the said red lion, after amalgamating a part of the red lion with 29 parts of the O by means of half of the as you are often taught here before, and you will have a very clean amalgam in which you put a matra in it and pour on it 5 parts of its weight of good tartar oil, making the whole putrefy in the bath for the space of 12 days then distill through the ashes and your mercury will come out alive and will have vivified the red lion and also you will have the blood of the lion under the running body of mercury, in this consists the greatest secret of the philosophers
Take one part of the viscosity of the red lion made in the same way as the viscosity of gold, and put it in the bath in a matra and pour on it 9 parts of the blood of the red lion, close your matra well, leave it to putrefy. space of 15 days and the said blood will vivify its own body, then amalgamate the said mercury with as much other viscosity of the said lion and your Mercury will be well fermented, put it inside the vessel of Hermes and signed according to the art, and you will have (after its putrefaction) as is shown in the preceding works the true Phoenix of the philosophers, which the poets have so celebrated in their verses, and there is no other, the sol populas believes it sees another hearing the writings of the said poets to the letter. It is here this unique bird which lives by a propagation of its own species, burning oneself in the rays of the Sun, which is nothing other than its increase made with gold, of which after repeated putrefaction (which is its death) an Elixir of the same is always born and never dies, but lasts until to the consumption of the century; thus is completed our Dawn and the practice of the hand of philosophers Graces, honor and immortal Glory be given to the Father the Son and Holy Spirit, by our very dear brother and only redeemer and savior Jesus Christ.
So be it...

The first practice of this present treatise is only to assemble and cook our Mercury and Sulfur together, which the philosophers have disguised under these names, so that the Ignorant will not hear their intentions; they called Sulfur king, because it is the most excellent of metals, and has an occult power to crown them like it, which is put into effect in our art. Also lion, because as the lion is the King and the strongest of beasts, so gold is the most superb and precious of metals, and because it has the fifth house of heaven which is the sign of lion, who is then called by the name of the Sun, participating in his excellent qualities, and gave him the name of the house of this lion. They call it brass, because it ends in the color of gold and has a reddish sulfur.
They called the Mercury Dragon flying and pernicious because it is a very deadly venom, I say so strong, that it can kill the noblest metal by biting it, that is to say gold by biting it. remover ; flying, because it cannot endure fire, but goes up in smoke because it is pernicious and because it is always flamboyant and hot and mainly because it is always flowing without any stopping, following a round and slippery shape which denotes its perpetual movement, if it is not so well enclosed that it cannot find an exit. Flying eagle, because the eagle is the bird that flies higher and dedicated to Jupiter who carries his sacred fire, and is a harbinger of good omens and great news, so it is with our mercury, with all metallic spirits the lightest, and which is converted into smoke the soonest.
When they said that the Moon is its mother, it is not what many Ignorant people think that the feminine seed of their stone must be silver or its mercury, or its sulfur, but rather a mercury of the quality of the Moon celestial, which only suits our silver of white color, and medium quality, because the Celestial is an inconstant star cold and humid, feminine and patient, which receives in itself and conceives the Influence of the superior bodies, and gives birth to them in this lower world, that is to say all the Celestial constitutions pass through the sphere of the Moon, by means of which they indeed exit below its Sky otherwise they see no force if it did not give birth to them, this which curiously form magicians in their compositions of Images with nothing characters and magical verses,also they make the star of mercury which is the means used for good and bad works to make them pass through the Sky of the Moon, and make it receive the Superior Influence then send it and make it appear here below, so that the masters desired otherwise they would have done nothing, which qualities are not in our metallic Moon nor in its sulfur and mercury, because it is assured and constant in its form and its resolving parts are hot dry agentic and masculine.because it is assured and constant in its form and its resolving parts are hot, dry, agentic and masculine.because it is assured and constant in its form and its resolving parts are hot, dry, agentic and masculine.
Therefore we must look for another mercury who has these above-mentioned qualities and who, for this reason, can be called Son of the Moon, and who like her receives the materials of all its generations, which we cannot find closer than to imperfect metals and to common mercury, which is as good as those of the cold and humid Imperfects, one however more than the other, feminine and patient conceiving easily, as well as the celestial Influence and seed of the superior and perfect Bodies of Heaven metallic, one more fertile than the other, except that the less perfect was helped by art and made as fertile as the most capable of generation, because too much coldness in mercury makes it sterile if not purged.Such is the vulgar mercury which resembles the sterile woman through too much coldness who nevertheless becomes fertile by being purged and heated with medicine required for the degree of female fertility.
Also the common mercury after having been heated and animated by our art is of the quality of the fertile Moon and capable of conceiving the seed of the Sun and carrying it in its womb, until the time of the birth of its fruit and of the Conception of the seed of the Superior bodies. That of the mineral means is such, and resembles the Moon, and is likewise its son provided that each of them is well prepared, according to the requirement of its quality, to receive the seed of the metallic Sun, which is hot, dry, masculine and agent to generate our stone, which has seduced the philosophers to say that the Sun is its father and the Moon its mother.
And also in consideration that all things are generated from two substances, one hot and dry the other cold and humid, represented by the Sun and the Moon. The philosophers thus name Sulfur and Mercury saying that the sister must draw her brother and the brother his sister, as we see in dissolution.
However, before moving on, know that philosophers call matter: agent and patient, sister and brother to declare that they must be of the same species and only different from sex, therefore those who work in vain who assemble their masculine ferment with a strange water of another nature which is not drawn from them but used by nature in their generation, in which they cannot resolve because it is foreign and of another blood and because it is not its sister, as mercury is to sulfur, moreover this consanguinity denotes that the feminine seed of our work approaches so close to the masculine seed, that they are almost the same thing, which difference depends only on the heat of one and the coldness of the other,so that we can clearly see that vulgar Mercury, considering it in its qualities without accommodating itself to our work, is so far from the relationship of the Sun, that if it is not approached by a new Alliance it cannot be the feminine matter of the Sun.
Elixir, but by first macerating it with a spirit of the nature of the philosophical ferment and which is its own brother, we bring them so close to each other that by this means it receives the consanguinity of the ferment, which is done by animating it and cooking it as we have said and then it is so well proportioned to the nature of the Sun, that it can truly be called its sister, which of course, we must come to the practice of the work which we write about red medicine only because the white one is made like the red one,and where there is a difference I will not fail to declare it.
to which nature has made them inclined to move them to the generation of their species to multiply and perpetuate. Thus the King being at this point ready to be amalgamated into his mercury, the philosophers say that he goes to the edge of the fountain into which he throws himself and precipitates when he is amalgamated with his Mercury thus following.
Take i of your Sun in impalpable powder and amalgam it with iiij of animated Mercury as I said, with a weight of Sun on 29 parts of common Mercury cooked for two years on the fire of Egypt, one year on the first degree and a year on the second, then wash your amalgam so many times with water that it comes out clear, and dry it with a sponge or large warm white cloth, and if it weighs less than 5 so that when we amalgamate a little of Mercury flies away, put your mercury on top to complete its weight, and if in making the amalgam you have taken five or six of Mercury more be separated by a goat, as long as he has more than 5 in total which are 4 from Mercury and one from the Sun.
This amalgamation thus made the philosophers now call it ferment for what Sun is the true leaven of the Elixir, now marriage and assembly of the male and the female under the hope of having a sign which is the stone which they disguise with this way to deceive the ignorant who only follow the exterior of their writings, without considering them higher.
Now put your amalgam in a vessel of glass, of stone, well reinforced to sustain the fire for five years, at the bottom almost up to the third part of the belly, which has a long neck, and marked with the seal of Hermes after the P there will be, which must not rise higher than the third part of the belly of the mattress. And note that if it is not very strong you will lose everything, which the philosophers have figured under the name of a clear room, saying that the fountain in which the King is immersed or the bed on which he is lying with his crumb or his wife, is inside a transparent room which is the matras which must then be put in the fire of digestion to cook it in the fire of Egypt35 as you see below.
Another conjunction or way of amalgamating is an abbreviation and a big secret.
The rebis must be cooked for three years on the Egyptian fire for the white and 4 years for the red, and as much time as is necessary governing the fire and continually maintaining it equal to each of its degrees, increased by season to season, continuing until the end of the work without it increasing or decreasing except by its necessary degrees of proportionate heat. To which the valet will be very attentive and if you will not have much difficulty what the philosophers mean by saying that the stone is the work of women, one of the first mysteries of which is to light the fire and boil the pot which is more difficult than to continue our fire in its proportionate degrees. You will therefore kindle the fire of the degrees of the fire of Egypt under your matter and continue it for a whole year without increasing or diminishing it,
It must now be understood that if the matter is fermented with gold for red, that it is perfect for white, on the third degree of fire at the time that it is at the highest point of its whiteness without you had to cook it more for the white on pain of spoiling it and losing everything, losing its white color because it will redden to reach its red perfection, by the action of the fire which will finish it by drying out its sulfur and it will remove its humidity which is the cause of its whiteness, in which it is only silver, which the philosophers have signified saying that he who knows how to transmute the Sun into silver would know all their secret meaning by this that it is impossible to convert gold into silver only by the stone, by cooking it,and he who knows how to bring it to this point until perfect whiteness would know everything else but if the stone is fermented by the Moon, after the third degree of Egypt it is necessary to give yet another degree to fix it in the end, the Egyptian fire in white work ends at the end of the third degree, at the end of which you will light the fourth degree under your material, or fire in the Persian style which you will continue for a year at least as much as each of the others, and finally as much as half is fixed, without flying away or smoking on the burning copper strip, because if it smoked it would be necessary to put it back on the fourth degree of the said Persian fire and continue it until it no longer smoked more.
the fire of Egypt in the white work ends at the end of the third degree, at the end of which you will light the fourth degree under your material, or fire in the Persian style which you will continue for a year at least as much as each of the others , and finally as much as half is fixed, without flying away or smoking on the burning copper strip, because if it smoked it would be necessary to put it back on the fourth degree of the said Persian fire and continue it until it no longer smoked.the fire of Egypt in the white work ends at the end of the third degree, at the end of which you will light the fourth degree under your material, or fire in the Persian style which you will continue for a year at least as much as each of the others , and finally as much as half is fixed, without flying away or smoking on the burning copper strip, because if it smoked it would be necessary to put it back on the fourth degree of the said Persian fire and continue it until it no longer smoked.because if she smoked she would have to put her back on the fourth level of the said Persian fire and continue it until she no longer smoked.
because if she smoked she would have to put her back on the fourth level of the said Persian fire and continue it until she no longer smoked.
In this place it should be noted that this quarter degree of Persian must be led by four other degrees; the 1st softer, the 2nd stronger by half, the third still double, and the fourth reinforced by half, however the 4 must last longer than one of the others, at the end of which you will let your fire die and your matter cool. This done, she will be ready to move the action after which it will be completed. For being thus without being incerated, it is only dead lime without ingredients, such is the red matter after it has been fixed before its ingredient has been returned to it, of which lime the philosophers have heard, speaking of the calcination in this way.
Calcination is reduction of a compact and solid matter into powder with fire under the conservation (as far as metals are concerned) of its radical humidity and consolidating the parts which is the true definition of Calcination, to which they still add these words that there are several ways of calcining metals, but this is the best which is done with the Mercury of Venus that I understand from the calcination which is done in the decoction of the large stone, which they have in little of words declared to the children of science and these matters and fire and day, also revealed this secret under the name of sublimation, saying that to fix Mercury in Sun, it is necessary to sublimate it with the lime of perfect bodies and reiterate on this lime that they call feces, so often at the bottom of the aluminum fixed and melting like wax,or at least in metallic powder, easy to melt and reduce into a perfect body, of the nature of the lime on which it will have been sublimated, and they understand by the reiteration on its feces, the continuation by diligent fire and the increase of its degrees, and by the lime of the perfect body the Sun and the Moon prepared and made ready to be amalgamated with Mercury, and by sublimation firstly the dissolution of the Sun into Mercury, secondly the incorporation of Mercury with Sulfur because the dissolution of one is the freezing of the other, and thirdly they take it for the fixation saying that it must be reiterated so many times that it remains stopped with the feces, finally they take it for the exaltation of Mercury in perfect body by the abbreviation of the work, and perfect and exuberant medicine.easy to melt and reduce into a perfect body, of the nature of the lime on which it will have been sublimated, and they understand by the reiteration on its feces, the continuation by diligent fire and the increase of its degrees, and by the lime of the perfect body the Sun and the Moon prepared and prepared to be amalgamated with Mercury, and by sublimation firstly the dissolution of the Sun into Mercury, secondly the incorporation of Mercury with Sulfur because the dissolution of the one is freezing on the other, and thirdly they take it for the fixation saying that it must be reiterated so many times that it remains stopped with the feces, finally they take it for the exaltation of Mercury in perfect body by the abbreviation of the work, and perfect and exuberant medicine.easy to melt and reduce into a perfect body, of the nature of the lime on which it will have been sublimated, and they understand by the reiteration on its feces, the continuation by diligent fire and the increase of its degrees, and by the lime of the perfect body the Sun and the Moon prepared and prepared to be amalgamated with Mercury, and by sublimation firstly the dissolution of the Sun into Mercury, secondly the incorporation of Mercury with Sulfur because the dissolution of the one is freezing on the other, and thirdly they take it for the fixation saying that it must be reiterated so many times that it remains stopped with the feces, finally they take it for the exaltation of Mercury in perfect body by the abbreviation of the work, and perfect and exuberant medicine.of the nature of the lime on which it will have been sublimated, and they understand by the reiteration on its feces, the continuation by diligent fire and the increase of its degrees, and by the lime of the perfect body the Sun and the Moon prepared and prepared to be amalgamated with Mercury, and by sublimation firstly the dissolution of the Sun into Mercury, secondly the incorporation of Mercury with Sulfur because the dissolution of one is the freezing of the other, and thirdly they take it for the fixation saying that it must be reiterated so many times that it remains stopped with the feces, finally they take it for the exaltation of Mercury in perfect body by the abbreviation of the work, and perfect and exuberant medicine .of the nature of the lime on which it will have been sublimated, and they understand by the reiteration on its feces, the continuation by diligent fire and the increase of its degrees, and by the lime of the perfect body the Sun and the Moon prepared and prepared to be amalgamated with Mercury, and by sublimation firstly the dissolution of the Sun into Mercury, secondly the incorporation of Mercury with Sulfur because the dissolution of one is the freezing of the other, and thirdly they take it for the fixation saying that it must be reiterated so many times that it remains stopped with the feces, finally they take it for the exaltation of Mercury in perfect body by the abbreviation of the work, and perfect and exuberant medicine.
the continuation by diligent fire and the increase of its degrees, and by the lime of the perfect body the Sun and the Moon prepared and made ready to be amalgamated with Mercury, and by sublimation firstly the dissolution of the Sun into Mercury, secondly the the incorporation of Mercury with Sulfur because the dissolution of one is the freezing of the other, and thirdly they take it for fixation saying that it must be reiterated so many times that it remains stopped with the feces, finally they take it for the exaltation of Mercury in perfect body by the abbreviation of the work, and perfect and exuberant medicine.the continuation by diligent fire and the increase of its degrees, and by the lime of the perfect body the Sun and the Moon prepared and made ready to be amalgamated with Mercury, and by sublimation firstly the dissolution of the Sun into Mercury, secondly the the incorporation of Mercury with Sulfur because the dissolution of one is the freezing of the other, and thirdly they take it for fixation saying that it must be reiterated so many times that it remains stopped with the feces, finally they take it for the exaltation of Mercury in perfect body by the abbreviation of the work, and perfect and exuberant medicine.
secondly the incorporation of Mercury with Sulfur because the dissolution of one is the freezing of the other, and thirdly they take it for fixation saying that it must be reiterated so many times that it remains fixed with the feces, finally they take it for the exaltation of Mercury in perfect body by the abbreviation of the work, and perfect and exuberant medicine.secondly the incorporation of Mercury with Sulfur because the dissolution of one is the freezing of the other, and thirdly they take it for fixation saying that it must be reiterated so many times that it remains fixed with the feces, finally they take it for the exaltation of Mercury in perfect body by the abbreviation of the work, and perfect and exuberant medicine.
See the rest at letter A.
The philosophers have hidden the oven under the name of stone walls which circuit the chamber so well closed that there is only one door, through which a single valet without more servants grants and ministers to the King what is necessary for him until the material is once in the furnace, to govern the fire and maintain it continually.
Putrefaction is a tempered action of external heat on the humidity of the matter which rots it, corrupts and alters its form, introducing a new one, which we see in the first year by the degree of the fire of Egypt which with the The humidity of menstruation corrupts the large and solid mass of the Sun and reduces it to the form of mercury like itself, which is only the true solution of matter. The said putrefaction extends until the matter is dry and white, what having happened is a thing frozen and examined and which turns black which will be at the end of the first degree of fire, and notes that there is no solution without putrefaction but rather putrefaction without solution and lasts until the matter begins to whiten.
Solution is reduction of a dry matter and stopped into current mercury (which we call after elixir) by means of its menstruation and by the first degree of fire tempered with the heat of the sun in the month of February; and the said solution ends as soon as the King is reduced to mercury, and also it is only thickened in putrefaction, why there is no solution without putrefaction but rather putrefaction without solution.
Thus Mercury dissolving gold in its own form of mercury running as it does light spirit and airy and igneous masculine sperm ready to rise to its supreme and ethereal region, which the operant does not do without doing anything of value. ; then they said that it was necessary to fix the volatile and that what is above was made of the nature of what is below, which is nothing other than that the mercury must be fixed and stopped and made of the nature of gold in which we cannot fail if our dissolution is done duly, continuing the effect according to the general rule of the philosophers who say: our dissolution is a principle of freezing, and as soon as the ferment is dissolved it freezes its menstruation, which is done continually cooking our matter at a fire of degree, as long as it is fixed as its ferment was conjoined with its menstruation.
All of these above are the same thing, etc. of which our gold thus subtilized and reduced to sperm is the true sulfur or ferment of our stone, although it has for a short time the external form of its menstruation which dissolves it, which emanates through the external fire and embraces each other lovingly both and mingle by their small parts and freeze, because the hot and dry ferment on its exterior drinks when and when the humidity of its menstruation and dries it for what it is of its species, and the desiccant weighs it down, etc. This is the conjunction and assembly of the male and the female after which conception follows because the two seeds having met remain locked in the belly of the female, that is to say in their own and natural vessel by proportionate fire, which by its action completes and putrefies these materials; and the putrefying nature animates them37 when they lose the spermatic form and become black mud and mire which is the principle of Freezing.
The dissolution being done, is also done when and when the conjunction and then the hot and dry ferment on its exterior drinks when and when the humidity of its menstruation and dries it for what it is of its species and drying it out. call freezing to stop, to harden and to fix as long as they are both made of a single perfect matter, which becomes like black mud and mire, which is the principle of freezing and desiccation of a moist matter, restriction and stopping of a current matter by the heat of the interior and exterior fire drying out the humidity of the matter, at the beginning of which freezing the brother kills the sister who blackens it, coming to putrefy.
The covetous nature of the generation comes to animate them and thus the two dead and rotten together come back to life, not each one separately but both together only receive a form more excellent than the first and that otherwise the philosophers say that the King is resurrected in the fountain in which he was drowned, and that his chopped and cut body is solidified again in a younger one, handsome and stronger than the first. Now in this place of Freezing as soon as the soul is infused into the matter which is nothing other than the entry of its sulfur into the depths and small parts of its menstruation, which makes it grow from its spirit drying out the little humidity gradually, depending on the proportion of fire to this required. To which the worker must be discomfited if the Freezing occurs before the time or if the material appears reddish or of a color other than black. So he must rejoice and be sure of the end of his work,
When they are therefore stopped in a single matter, the philosophers have called it their sublimation or sublimated by which they first wanted to infer that the fixed was made volatile and that which is below was made like that which is above, which is the first part of sublimation and is nothing other than the subtiliation and solution in Mercury, since the said dissolution had to be fixed and what is above was done like what is below, that is to say to say that everything together was made into a perfect body which is the second part of sublimation by which they only understand the elevation of matter from an imperfect state and complexion into a more excellent one and for so much they have not defined their sublimation being nothing but subtiliation and elevation of a less noble matter into a more noble one,as we will not do to note and how this can be done in places of the degree of fire where it will be required to speak of it.
to make Sun and Moon imperfect bodies if not by the projection of the Elixir, by translating it into mercury which fermented and cooked, by the way of abbreviation freezes and fixes in perfect metal, why we see that their increases are false , and that these fine masters never heard that of the philosophers of which the first is by virtue which we define thus Multiplication of quality and increase of virtue in addition. So much so that the medicine that does not go will multiply and have strength and power over a hundred, and that of a hundred over a thousand, and that of a thousand over a hundred thousand and also to infinite weight and number. and that these fine masters never heard that of the philosophers of which the first is by virtue which we define thus Multiplication of quality and increase of virtue in addition.
So much so that the medicine that does not go will multiply and have strength and power over a hundred, and that of a hundred over a thousand, and that of a thousand over a hundred thousand and also to infinite weight and number. and that these fine masters never heard that of the philosophers of which the first is by virtue which we define thus Multiplication of quality and increase of virtue in addition. So much so that the medicine that does not go will multiply and have strength and power over a hundred, and that of a hundred over a thousand, and that of a thousand over a hundred thousand and also to infinite weight and number.
So if you want your mercury to fall on a hundred of the imperfect molten metals, on as much of their Mercury or that of the mineral means and on as much of heated animated Mercury, or on ten of raw Mercury, without being mortified and prepared you must start your works again in this way40: make an amalgamation of an ounce of your perfect medicine, after its first method, with ten ounces of animated Mercury and cooked for two years similar to that which was made, and you will keep yourself from failing by taking mercury animated by Moon to amalgamate the red medicine and red mercury to animate the white medicine, because you would proceed badly and spoil all your amalgamation made; wash it and rewash with clear lukewarm water so that it comes out clear, then dry it with a sponge or large warm white cloth, this fact put it in a matras lute at the bottom, almost as high as the material will rise which must not rise higher than half of the belly of the matras, which will thus govern and put in the furnace and give it the fire of the first degree, until the matter is dissolved and frozen and is black, then give it the fire of Egypt increased by one degree and continue it until the matter becomes whiter than snow, thus is the end of white medicine; the fire of Egypt finished, why he will have to light the fire of Persia for the 4th degree which you will give him by 4 other degrees, which you will spend in length of time only along the degrees of the fire of Egypt leaving it in 4 degrees to each degree a fourth part of time increasing them by half and changing one after the other, which by extinguishing with cold water will not have the power to heat much, but if you make it redden well it will heat much better and in greater quantity, because its virtue has been multiplied by the force of the external fire.
So the more our medicine is reiterated and the more strongly heated by the external fire, it has the power to heat and cook a greater quantity of imperfect bodies, or of Mercury, so therefore by always reiterating and cooking it its virtue will increase so much, that a weight will fall on an infinite number, even that a drop could freeze all the water in the sea if it were Mercury. because his virtue was multiplied by the force of the external fire. So the more our medicine is reiterated and the more strongly heated by the external fire, it has the power to heat and cook a greater quantity of imperfect bodies, or of Mercury, so therefore by always reiterating and cooking it its virtue will increase so much, that a weight will fall on an infinite number, even that a drop could freeze all the water in the sea if it were Mercury.
because his virtue was multiplied by the force of the external fire. So the more our medicine is reiterated and the more strongly heated by the external fire, it has the power to heat and cook a greater quantity of imperfect bodies, or of Mercury, so therefore by always reiterating and cooking it its virtue will increase so much, that a weight will fall on an infinite number, even that a drop could freeze all the water in the sea if it were Mercury.
It is time to come to Inceration and define it, and show how and what it must be done, seeing that without it the white and red medicine would not be invented and as if dead, by dryness and lack of fusion and Ingres who makes it melting and melting like wax, and penetrating and transparent, in bodies with which it is mixed, it is done with the Imbibition of wet things, on the pulverized material, and reiterating several times the said wet material on the dry ones, by drying as many times, which the Ignorant do with waters and oils because Inceration must be done with Mercury of the same material as that from which the material was made, which you will do like this.
Pulverize your material into impalpable powder, make an amalgam with six times its weight of mortified mercury, as I said above, animated with a weight of Sun or Moon on 29 weight of common Mercury, cooked for two years, one on the first and one on the second degree of the fire of Egypt, and to make it short it must be from the same one from which the stone was made that you want to incinerate, on which it should be noted that the white medicine must to be Incerated with the Mercury animated by the Moon, and the red with the Mercury animated by the Sun; otherwise do nothing worthwhile, and lose your medicine, then wash and re-wash your amalgam with clear water, as many times as the water comes out clear, then dry it with a large, warm white cloth or with a sponge.
This makes you put a buckskin in it and express it, and remove almost all your mercury and only retain what will be enough to hold the material soft and in the form of a very thick paste, which put in a well-lit matras around and marked with the seal of Hermes, and put it in a baking oven.
Athanor, on the fire of the coals that you will govern by degrees of which the first will be small and the second stronger by half, and will continue each three months or as you wish and see that the color requires it, and if you see that your mercury increases flies away and cannot settle, rather, do not worry about this because its smell is enough to remain there and for it to soften the matter without it settling with it. Also if it remains there it is all one and yet if once or twice or three times the matter is not sufficiently fusible,
By the way above declared perfect and fusible, what they mean by these words, as long as it is fixed and fusible like wax at the bottom of the vessel, which can only be after Inceration which is the last of the stone and its accomplishment to make a projection of it, which things make me marvel when infinity of learned men after having reiterated so many times this sublimation and calcination mentioned above before Mercury in the form of Mercury and the lime of perfect bodies amalgamated together are the material of the stone, unless the reiteration and sublimation on its feces and the reverberation which takes place in Calcination is the continuation and Circulation of the fire of the philosophers
It is now time to return to our red medicine, which we left on the third degree of the fire of Egypt on which we say that the medicine being on its whiteness is perfect without annealing it, especially since it is fermented of the Sun, we cannot increase the fire without it blushing and losing its color, the 4th degree of the exterior fire of Egypt manifests and causes it to expand to achieve its perfection. For this reason at the end of the third reign, that the matter will be very white, quadruple your fire of Egypt and continue it for 4 years or at least, until the matter has lost its whiteness and is reddish, see enough red, and then you see the magic of colors in the concavity of the matras, like the Iris, and by continuation of the 4th degree of Egypt your matter which was alive will be dead, For since it loses its whiteness and begins to blush it has no virtue until it is perfectly red to transmute imperfect metals, which it cannot before it itself is perfect, because the color appearing between the white and the red shows that it is useless, and that the fire has taken away its power of white medicine, and that we would lose it if we lifted it at that time, from above the fire, and before the end of the 5th degree; and to induce us to believe them they compared our work since it is white at the end of the third degree of fire, to the child who is in his mother's womb, at the end of the 7th month and to the eighth and ninth , comparing the said months to the 4th and 5th degree of fire of our fever, because at the end of the 7th month the child is full term and can live neither more nor less than the one born at the end of the ninth, because all the planets have influenced their rays on him one after the other, and trained and nourished all his members, and thereby purged all the bad humors that nature had accumulated on him; thus the first three degrees of fire have cooked the fixed matter, purged and brought to the highest degree of whiteness from which it is ready to be taken from its vessel, because it can live, that is to say, give its exuberant perfection to the imperfect and transmute them into fine Moon, but the 4th degree of fire took away its white color, and it digested this white humor from which it loses its perfection, and if it were then removed it would not be worth any projection, no being neither white nor red, what the philosophers have signified by the 8th month of the child, in which nature does not push him out but still keeps him locked up, because the star of Saturn accumulates on him new humors which wither him, and soften him so much that he 'he left before they were cooked and dried up he would die, and we do not see a child living, but in the eighth month whatever false tricks women do to their husbands to compensate and cover their theft, thus our matter is removed at the end of the 4th degree, before the humors raised in the belly of the vessel above the matter that appears in the shape of Iris had dried up; it would die and be of no use, so it must be cooked perfectly with the 5th degree of Persian fire in red and permanent color, as long as it no longer smokes, and then being taken from its vessel it will live, that is to say it will give life and transmute imperfect bodies into Sun and even heal all the infirmities of the human body by its extreme and exuberant heat, without excess, having all the temperament that 'she acquired on the fifth and last degree of Persian fire, which philosophers compare to the Stars of Jupiter and Mars, which by their heat dry up, during the 4th month, all the new humors accumulated on the child by Saturn in the 8th month. Now be warned that the Persian fire must be conducted by 4 other degrees, of which the first will be moderate and will last three months, also will be the third which will strengthen by half and the 4th will continue as much as each of the others and will be so great as the matter will be able to endure, and do not fear burning it because it will rejoice in the fire and will be beautified there, and then let it cool in the ashes and will be perfect, leaving nothing except to give it Ingres by Inceration like you glasses at the door tenth; when your matter is thus red the philosophers call it lime of the Sun, calcines with mercury in the reverberation furnace following the Intention of the philosophers, I understand mercury sublimated and fixed in their fashion, with the lime of perfect bodies, but it is not yet fusible and penetrating to mingle with the deep and small parts of imperfect bodies, but after incineration it will have this penetrative virtue and will melt like wax, which the philosophers are hidden saying that Sublimation must be repeated mercury on body feces so many times that it is meltable,
The exaltation as said is under the previous door is the multiplication in virtue, it is now time to speak of that in quantity which is far removed from the increase of the philosophic philosophers, both in substance, in matter and in quality, and way of doing things and ways of proceeding, which the wise invented so that the projection powder would not fail them; they redo the work all over again to multiply the virtue of the said medicine and so that several having once the said stone are contant without redoing it all over again, and the others after having reiterated it two or three times and do not wanting to have more fun, wishing however that the projection powder does not fail them, have imagined for natural and true reasons, to increase the said stone and projection powder, and that it only takes a little preparation to bring out this occult power.
I will not teach you any other means of drawing or preparing Mercury other than it, for multiplication in quantity, since with it the stone can be made and accomplished in all its ways, which we will say now after having defined that multiplication is in quantity, which is nothing other than increasing the weight of it to an infinite weight without redoing the whole work and without diminishing its strengths, virtues and qualities, but keeping them in all the proportions of its perfection , by converting matter, by augmentation and transmutation, by promptly transmuting it into a perfect medicine such as that with which it is joined, according to the way of our art,
So take for the red medicine an ounce of Mercury animated with a denarius and a half of gold, and cook for five years as said is and heat it in a crucible and when it begins to boil throw on it an ounce of melting and melting medicine red, without removing it from the fire, until it has frozen the said Mercury into powder, which it will do soon, then you will remove it and put it in a well-read mattress and stopper it rightly so, then you will leave it on a fairly moderate and temperate coal fire and keep it for four whole days as if you wanted to distill, then increase the fire by half and continue it for 4 whole days, after which you will further increase the fire by half, which will last 4 more days, a fire much stronger than all the first ones.At the end of which you will take your material and put it between two crucibles, fight at the wheel fire, finish fixing, and hold it there for 29 hours approaching the fire from six to six hours, after which you will cover your material in burning coals during six hours, which have passed, you will let your fire die and cool your matter and you will have two ounces of medicine which will have as much virtue as the first, which you will multiply with two ounces of the aforementioned Mercury and govern it all as I have said above, and you will have 4 ounces of material which you will multiply again with 4 ounces of the above-mentioned Mercury and cook them and do as above, and also always reiterate Mercury again on the multiplied powder, and by annealing it you will be able to multiply a ounce of medicine to an infinite number,and have such quantity of material as you want, of which you will project as I will say below, and you will have better gold than natural.
If you want to multiply your white powder you will take an ounce of Mercury animated by Moon, and an ounce of white medicine and cook it as I said of the red, then take powder multiplied again with other mercury fermented by Moon and cooked 4 years, and thus you will be able to multiply it to an infinite quantity as well as the red one.
To have therefore a large quantity of powder you must animate with Sun and Moon a large quantity of Mercury to cook them as above, when you have failed animate in what is necessary, at the least in a furnace two or three and cook it again your medicine by multiplying it by virtue, so that when it is made the matter does not fail you for the multiplication in quantity and weight, which multiplications are very different from those of the sophist thieves who dishonor science and deceive the world with their false increases, tierlets, medicines, inept tinctures for falsifying metals.
We must now come to the projection, and teach to do it on the molten imperfect bodies and on the animated Mercury or taken from the imperfect bodies or medium hot and boiling minerals, which I do in this way.
Melt a hundred weight of fine Moon and when it is very boiling, make small balls of a weight of the said red medicine, and throw one on the said melted and boiling moon, then when it is consumed throw the other ball above and let it consume, then the other and do this so many times that you have put a weight on a hundred moons then let it boil well, stir well with a copper rod, which you will do each time you throw the balls.
Then make your material for an hour or two on the fire, and boil them together, and after two hours cover your crucible with coals and let it cool, then break the crucible and melt it again and you will have gold of 24 carats, and better than natural. so much so that only a small weight of medicine is needed to complete its digestion and bring out its occult tincture. If you want to make imperfect gold or silver, choose from them the one which is the most perfect, namely Jupiter and make the white or red projection according to whether you want to transmute it and melt ten weights, and when it is melted and so hot that it begins to turn again to go away in smoke, throw on it the tenth part of medicine three times, mix into balls and govern as I said of the Moon and throw into an ingot.
You will have Sun and Moon according to what will be the medicine, better than the natural, and the other imperfect ones also mix in [gold or] silver according to what will be the medicine, in this way [it] is not so clear nor if [ good] than he who is made of [the moon], which is clearer and clearer than [that of the imperfect]; if you want to project the said medicines alone you can do it on all the […] and drawn from imperfect bodies and mineral means without any preparation, so that by drawing them they are well purged and separated from their humidity ( and yet it is useless to do more) and would be nothing of value, but note that the more perfect and pure the imperfect or average mineral body is, from which you have drawn Mercury, the more its said Mercury will transmute into more perfect gold and silver, and raw common Mercury, because it comes out of the mine without preparation [and] by the first decoction, the metallic decoction, but it is prepared, purged and animated as I said above in the first preparation , purging him, animating and heating will receive perfection like that of the imperfect, with the said medicine and not so much the more the vulgar Mercury will be more perfect more fermented and cooked like that of the Sun and Moon, that it is converted more perfectly into Sun and Moon; in this place know that all common mercury animated and heated can be changed into gold, so that it is fermented by Moon and Sun and not on the contrary, because only that which is fermented by one and a half weights of Sun out of 29 weights vulgar Mercury cooked for 5 years, which is true Mercury of the Sun and which has all its qualities, cannot be transmuted into the Moon by white medicine, because it is too perfect and when freezing with it it always turns to gold, and it looks like good gold to cement,
This projection was represented by the philosophers saying, that the King at the end of the fountain enriches all his subjects and makes them all King and crowned with rich crowns wanting to signify his subjects by the imperfect bodies which receive perfection by the projection of the medicine. They also meant fixing all the Mercurius in Sun and Moon by means of medicine, saying that all the birds which pass over the room where the King is all stop and all hover their wings, thus calling all the Mercury of the name of birds.
[To convert] all imperfect metals, to the nature of [our great] King, take an ounce of it after it is [vivified] and refreshed young and throw it on 4 ounces of fine molten gold, and find all your frangible material, which you will pulverize and anneal for 3 days in a clean and well closed vessel in the mountain closed with the heat of the last assault, and of this powder you will throw an ounce on twenty and five marks of silver or of copper or eighteen marks of lead or tin or on 15 marks of common quicksilver heated in the crucible or frozen with lead, but first they must be well melted and heated, and you will see soon after your material covered with a very thick foam, then when it has done its operation it will seem to you that the crucible has burst,then you will remelt your material and find it converted into fine gold, but if by chance you had not kept the weight mentioned above you will find your materials as if in one, changed from their first color, why would they have to pass through a large cup without it? put lead and in three hours later the cup will have consumed everything that would not have been perfect, for lack of having put enough of our Divine Work, and the rest will remain above all clean, which will pass through the Cement royal during the space of six hours, and find all the gold that has been converted by the help of our great King as fine as mineral gold, etc.why would they have to pass through a large cup without putting lead in it and in three hours later the cup will have consumed everything that was not perfect, due to not having put enough of our Divine Work in it, and the rest will remain in the -above all, which will pass through the Royal Cement during the space of six hours, and find all the gold which will have been converted by the help of our great King as fine as the mineral gold, etc.why would they have to pass through a large cup without putting lead in it and in three hours later the cup will have consumed everything that was not perfect, due to not having put enough of our Divine Work in it, and the rest will remain in the -above all, which will pass through the Royal Cement during the space of six hours, and find all the gold which will have been converted by the help of our great King as fine as the mineral gold, etc.