True Adepts, Illuminated and Initiated of Hermeticism
I call Adept, the man who has done the Great Work, because he knows and has seen.
The enlightened one knows and has seen the marvels of the Enlightenment, but he has not known how to do the Great Work.
The Initiate has not done the Great Work, but he knows its Secret; he has not seen the Light but he knows its Mystery and he can very rightly speak of the Light, and of the Great Work.
There are many false initiates who impose themselves on the credulity of amateurs, the true wise ones are few in number.
There are more initiates than true enlightened ones. As for the Adepts; they are very rare.
Here is the explicit list of wise men according to our doctrine.
Only those who left some writing will be mentioned.
Moses, Adept
The beginning of genesis is a unique treasure of Light.

Are revelations of inestimable value, concerning the mysterious
Pay close attention to verses 11 and 12 Chap. 2 in which it is said that the gold of the land of the wise is famous.
He who just understands verse 14 can do the Great Work, if he pleases According to his
Spirit of life.
Solomon. Adept
In his proverbs he provides numerous indications, with great clarity.
In his Song of Songs, he knew how to veil with consummate art the entirespiritual part of the work.
You have to be Enlightened to understand it here.
The prophets of the Bible are Enlightened Ones and their writings are full of clarity.
Note: Isaiah, who gives, in the midst of his vaticinations, the most astonishing details.
See also: psalm CIV.
Jesus ben Jirach. Initiate
Author of a treatise on Wisdom, in Hebrew.
This treatise was translated into Greek by the author's grandson and also into several oriental languages.
It is attached to the Catholic and Lutheran Bibles.
The author talks about Great Medicine in clear terms.
The author of the book entitled: Wisdom of Solomon: work written in Greek, is a remarkable enlightened person.
This book, which is different from the previous one, is also attached to the Catholic
and Lutheran Bibles, but it is rather poorly translated, due to lack of Hermetic knowledge.
For example, here is the end of the work properly translated according to our
Wisdom of Solomon Chap.19 verse 18 to 21.
The elements combined with each other to transmute into agreements of superior harmony. Thus, the sounds of the psaltery, change the melody, if the rhythm varies, but the mode remains the same…….Its animated nuisances and the earth became aquatic, and those who bathed became stabilized on earth.
In this water, the fire multiplied its previous force, and the water lost its ability to extinguish it.
The flames, invigorating, could not devour the substance of the animating powers which moved through them.
They did not melt the spiritual ice, however soft, which was the food of the powers.
Which we compare with a vulgar version.
Only an Enlightened One could thus describe the living transmutation of the elements
John the Apostle. Sublime Illuminated
His Apocalypse, so clear to the initiated, is the luminous exposition, in perfect
method, of the Great Universal Work, on all levels of life.
This masterful revelation contains all the most sublime arcana; it is the last word of the Spiritual world, in relation to the Natural World, and which includes the Apocalypse, understands everything.
The marvelous emerald table is rather obscurely translated; it was Stobaeus who gave it for the first time.
This Table of Mercury is well understood, dazzling with light.
Don't forget that Mercury's name is HERMES in Greek.
The treatise of seven chapters which bears his name is obscurely translated into Latin, and poorly into French.
Stobée .Initiate
Gave the Emerald Tablet first.
The writings, in Greek, abound in clarity; in Latin, they are already more difficult to penetrate; but what has been transcribed into French, except the luminous versions of d'Ablancourt, initiated is dark.
His physical Eclogues are small masterpieces.
One of the most admirable exponents of Hermeticism, but whose works,
unfortunately, have reached us truncated.
His Argonauts are the typical allegorical poems of the phases of the Great Work.
The hymns abound in fiery passages; his very life, as transmitted to us by tradition, is a hermetic allegory.
Apollonius of Rhodes.Initiated
In his argonautides, restored the lost parts of Orpheus' poem.
Since then, although Hellenist of the first force has not always had it exactly translated, for lack of having known the Great Work.
Moreover, it will always be the fate of scholars to be beside the point, and to falsely translate the presentation of our doctrines.
Has very powerful passages, but all the great force of which lies in the names of his heroes and the things he cites.
As these names remain in Greek and are not understood by the interpreters, all their translations are beside the thought of Homer, an extraordinarily learned initiate, and a unique poetic genius.
Pernety didn't understand it at all.
His theogony abounds in hermetic passages that are very misunderstood.
Ocelles Lucanud And Initiate Timaeus of Locre
These two Pythagoreans are completely misunderstood by scholars and men of letters; and for good reason!
Plato, himself an initiate, did not understand.
Timaeus, too simple.
Plotinus .Illuminated
Stobaeus enlightened him, making his high spiritual views more sensitive.
P. d'Ablancourt has excellently translated one of his rarest hermetic writings.
Plotinus is a hermetic mystic who rises to the highest views.
His ordinary translators misunderstood him.
His fable of Psyche is hermetic, but Pernety did not understand it any more than the Aeneid of
Plato, Aristotle, Porphyry, Proclus, etc....were initiates, but not hermeticists, more especially.
Plato, however, experienced a lot, but he remained idealistic.
His profound treatises are barely and poorly translated.
Above all transposed the Hermetic doctrine into the medical sense.
His treatise on Divine Water proves that he witnessed all the phases of the work that he describes in an alchemical dream.
Do not confuse it with anything else. Zosimus called the Panopolitan.
Marie. Initiate
Male or female, this author is very learned in our mysteries.
Geber .Initié
This very learned author, very knowingly mixed pure alchemy with vulgar chemistry, and
his writings are a perfect model for those who like to get mixed up.
However, Gaber was a true Initiate, while almost all his initiators are sinister jokers.
In any case, you must already be initiated to do the sorting; therefore, this author is not within the
reach of novices; but chemists.
The Arabic has been little translated and poorly understood.
This one is a master; note his treatise on Love which is a marvel of mystical logic.
Morien .Adept
Illustrious follower.
In general, foreign authors have been very poorly or obscurely translated.
This is because ordinary translators are: either needy or apprentices
Alain of Lille.Initiated
Albert the Great.Adept
Here is an author of the first force and a powerful director of our wonders; unfortunately, his best writings have been distorted.
Entire chapters have been removed by the malice of envious people and replaced by weak dissertations; unhealthy work of unscrupulous monks.
However, the good Latinist will still be able to glean copious spoils from what remains of this too clear follower, at the discretion of the monks.
Thomas Aquinas. Initiate
His master is Albert the Great, he left some writings to consult.
Roger Bacon. Initiate
A great and true scholar, valuable for the Latinist.
Arnaud de Villeneuve. Adept
This famous hermeticism wrote his best treatises in Provençal; which is little known.
Several have been published.
Raymond Lulle. Adept
The true writings from the hand of this hermeticist are few in number; most are assumed.
Likewise, a lot of nonsense is said about his life which was very pure and very wise.
Several of his writings have been distorted; in general leave everything related to
chemical manipulations; they have been added.
There was in his Tomb, an alchemical gold plate, on which were engraved the following words:
Aurum vivum,
Aura viva general.
Salpater noster is
Materia prima nostra.
Ros veris coeli is
Mercurius verus noster.
Solis calor is
Philosophicus ignis.
living gold
A general lively breeze.
He is our father
Our raw material.
It is the dew of the true heavens
Our true Mercury.
It is the heat of the sun
Philosophical fire.
This gold plaque was stolen during the revolution.
John Daustin. Illuminated
John Cremer. Initiated
Georges Ripley. Adept
Left excellent writings highly esteemed by true amateurs.
Irénée Philalethes commented curiously on his letter to the King of England.
Nicolas Flamel.Follower
In 1560, the first edition of the Book of Hieroglyphic Figures appeared in Paris,
in Latin by Flamel, and in the excellent French version by Perrot d'Ablancourt.
Flamel's treatise is also admirable in its precision, even though it was immediately exhausted.
It became so untraceable that an infamous prompter: Mr. Arnaud de la Chevalerie, unscrupulously appropriated Perrot d'Ablancourt's version.
But he deleted all the essential passages and replaced them with passages of his invention.
This is a clever and diabolical distortion of the truth.
He was careful not to publish Flamel's Latin text and he gave specious reasons for his absences.
All the books of Abraham the Jew are false; the original bore, around each figure, inscriptions in Hebrew which indicate the entire spiritual part of the Great Work.
Any manuscript that does not have a Hebrew character frame on each page is false, a priori.
Under each highlighter there was also a Latin text.
Other works attributed to Flamel are also supposed, the bad version of Mr. Arnauld, has always been reproduced since.
Bernard of Treviso.Spagyrist
Here, spagyria officially begins, with this author who clearly indicates what it consists of, with his little golden book, which fell into the fontanel.
This is why this author is particularly appreciated by his disciples, the spagirists.
Marsile Ficino.Initiate
Thomas Morton.Initiate
Exposed all the theory, and practice of the Great Work in formal terms.
But he invented his Steganography to hide the essential passages from the layman.
Isaac the Dutch.Spagiryst
This author mixes chemistry itself and spagyrics in his writings.
Basile Valentin .Sapgyrist
Author spagyrist, chemist and theologian; his writings are not accurately translated
into French, especially for essential formulas.
It is in the figures that he tells the truth.
Denis Lacaire.Spagyrist
Follows the path of du Trévisan.
First had Trithemus as his initiator who dismissed him after noting his incomprehension of high illumination.
Then his master was Basile Valentin who initiated him into the secrets of Spagirye.
Paracelsus, who knew Astrology, then forged an astonishing mystico-astro-magical doctrine which had many adherents.
Most of the so-called treatises of Paracelsus are lessons collected by his devotees.
Naturally arrogant, Paracelsus made a world of enemies; he died in Salzburg, poisoned.
He had the philosopher's stone in his hand and Méandes claims to have seen him make a transmutation.
This German little known in France did the work in 15 71, he left writings which
were compiled by a number of small alchemists; some, thanks to their talents,
wrongly appear as Masters.
Was initiated by Steiner, then he saw the Light, but, as he himself says, he was only in the sixth grade, the seventh being the adept.
The Cosmopolite.Adept
Alexandre Sethon received the perilous mission of proving transmutation in fact.
He first left Scotland for Italy, where he himself had his Novum Lumiem Naturae et artis printed.
A doctor from Friborg in Brisgaw brought him back from Italy to Basle, in Switzerland, and in this city he made a transmutation with Lwingler, doctor.
This was recorded by the Friborg doctor Dienheim in his book; De lapide philosophici veritate.
This follower carried out other transmutations in Germany, notably in Cologne.
We know of his ordeal in Saxony.
Philalethe Eugéne.Adept
Philalethe Iréné.Spagyrist
These are the two Jaugher brothers, the first did the hermetic work, assisted by his younger brother.
Eugène settled in Germany, Iréné traveled to France.
Salomon Trismosin.Initiated
Author of the famous Golden Fleece.
John of Spaint.Initiated
Heuginus a Barma. Spagyrist
Author of the reign of Saturn changed to the golden age.
Boehme .Illuminated
He is a transcendental mystic who wrote on the Hermetic work, according to his own inspiration.
Moreover, he did not do the Great Work, he only speaks of it to prove Christian Regeneration by Internal Nature.
Man is a minor leper whom only Christ, who is the true philosopher's stone, can transmute from infernal to celestial; Alchemy is only a physical image of mystical transmutation.
Michel Maier.Initié
One of the most Hermetic scholars; Pernety plundered it without understanding it.
His engravings are most revealing.
Fabre Pierre Jean.Initié
Wrote in Latin and French.
The Staircase of the Sages comes from an initiate
The ancient war of the knights comes from a
Limojon de Saint Didier did not very well understand this book which he commented on in his Hermetic Triumph.
He was an embassy secretary who died returning from England to France in a storm.
He had just written to his cousin that he finally had the secret of the Great Work, and that he was going to do it.
He therefore did not have it when he wrote his Hermetic Triumph; yet he touches it constantly.
The light emerging from darkness by itself comes from an
The mystical Ayman comes from an
enlightened one.
Athenagoras, from the true and perfect Amxer
Mystical-hermetic novel of an enlightened person.
The Mirror of the Alchemists by the Imperial Knight comes from an
Reuchlin .Initiate
John Dee.Initiate
The author of the Chimica Vannus is an Adept.
Liber Mutus comes from an Adept.
The author of the Aurea Catena Homéré is an Adept
This book, written in German, was translated into Latin, then into French by Dufournel under the title: Nature Unveiled.
Unfortunately, Dufournel must have had an incomplete Latin version in hand,
because he gives neither the revealing frontispiece, nor the introduction which exposes all of Homer's golden chain.
Despite this, the translation is a book well esteemed by connoisseurs; and which we rarely encounter.
There are many editions in German and Latin, and yet, this work rarely appears in second-hand bookstores.
The author, who has a horror of allegories, tells the whole of Nature, without enigma.
The Clavicle of Hermetic Science, by a Northerner, comes from an
Who saw the work being done and undertook it in turn.
Duzdeain. Adept
Author of the Mystery of the Cross exposed without allegories the secrets of Hermeticism, very clearly, in magnificent passages, which only one can find. Those who smooth his whole book, which is at the same time a profound treatise on high mysticism, but as mysticism is not tasted.
General notes
These are the best authors and treatises.
There are no others, but whether they wrote in foreign languages, or whether they are too enigmatic or obscure, or whether their manuscripts cannot be easily reached, I say nothing about it.
There are also many half-initiates and less than that (readable), who have chattered about the Great Work. There are also madmen, envious people and counterfeiters; I will point out the main ones.
Agrippa .Magician
Initially a student of Trithemus, the latter dismissed him when he saw his follies.
Agrippa knew much, but he confused and confused.
He attached personal views of magic to the data he adulterated.
Crollius Oswald.Chemicastre
Yet quite skillfully retained the doctrine of sigantures but without understanding anything about it.
His reputation is usurped.
Etienne de Clavis. Researchers
We can easily do without his writings.
René de la Châtre
His prototype is useless.
Le Doux known as Gaston de Claves
He's a chemical Pernety
His pilot of the living wave has never taught anyone anything.
Crosset de la Haumerie or Pompeé Colonne is just a researcher.
Nicolas de locques.Chemist
Arnauld de la Chivalrie
Poitevin gentleman.
Bad translator and forger.
The Lord of the Angelic
Singular dreamer who wrote the true philosopher's stone and found it by means of the seven planets.
The title alone proves that the author knew nothing.
Le Breton
The keys to Spagyric Philosophy, learn nothing more than if he had not written.
Father Castaigne is not very strong.
Des Comptes
Made speeches on the Alkaest that he was unaware of, just like Pelletier, another author.
Very strong, but written beside the point like all people of his species.
Gave the Harmony of Philosophers to which he did not have the key.
Author of a new light in medicine which does not shine by its clarity!
Pernety (Dom) messy spirit
Great lover of mytho-hermetic salads; knew nothing solid while having a prodigious memory.
Quinté Joseph.Chimiscastre
The Treatise on Philosophical and Hermetic Chemistry is worthless; the author, who must have known this, had the prudence to remain anonymous.
Other researchers are good to consult
Other researchers are good to consult, such as Blaise de Vigenére: Treatise on Fire and Salt.
Sabine Stuart and her husband Claude de Chevalier who wrote the key to the sanctuary in philosophical discourse; were very educated and experienced spagyrists; also, their writings are extremely rare.
Father Kischer
Is a formidable muddled spirit, he got involved in everything and chattered about everything indiscriminately and
sometimes with gall. He charitably collected all the infamies he could find about Paracelsus: he is a giant compiler who has done a lot of harm.
Being a Jesuit, he could not do otherwise than to work according to the spirit of his sect, which is repudiated by good, wise Catholics.
Author of The Encyclopedia of the Gods has redone, and better, the work of Dom Pernety.
An educated and serious author, his work is rare and sought after by amateurs.
Author of the Mysteries of Christianity physically recognized as true.
Educated and very original mind; his work is worth consulting because it gives, in the
first part, the entire hermetic cabal of names from Greek Mythology.
He talks a lot about spiritual gold, and one can kindly glean from his writing.
Elias Artista. Adept
and great friend of Swedenborg, he passed, in agreement with his friend, more than three million
(estimated value in francs), of gold bars or ingots to the bank of Humbourg, as well as the register of this bank was authentic.
Emmanuel Swedenborg
The greatest Adept; was continuously enlightened for 27 years and lived on both the physical and the spiritual.
His writings form an immense treasure like no other, capable of leading easily to perfect enlightenment.
His celestial arcana are an inexhaustible mine in themselves. There is a word for word translation of everything
the genesis and the entire exodus of Moses, according to the science of correspondences, which he possessed
There he describes the wonders of regeneration with unparalleled abundance and clarity. This is why, from the pairing of the spiritual writings of this Adept, we saw, so to speak, all the disciples of Bohemia rushing to a more perfect, simpler and more complete light.
This is a historical fact as all the first Zealous Swedenborquians were previously bohemists, in Germany, England, France, Holland etc.
This fact says a lot. For example, in England, W.Law's disciples hanged themselves en masse at Swedenborg and founded the English Theosophical Society in London in 1784.
Swedenborg was also an extraordinary scholar, superiorly versed in all sciences.
A profound mathematician, he left philosophical views on infinitesimal calculus and the geometry of spirals, which have not been surpassed.
An expert anatomist, he made numerous discoveries in physiology.
A genius chemist, he is the founder of modern chemistry and Lavoisier only appropriated his starting point without saying it.
Also, Providence let Lavoisier perish on the scaffold because this man had to, yes, it was a duty, attract the attention of French scholars to Swedenborg.
Laplace also stole the theory of nebulae from him because Swedenborg was also a great astronomer.
Argas and others took from him the decimal system that the great man had exposed in a special memoir.
He was also a consummate metallurgist, mining engineer, very strong, machine builder, expert and architect of seaports whose modern form he invented.
He was also a distinguished economist, a skilled statesman and a skillful financier.
It is the complete man, versed in the languages of the East and the West, that Providence chooses at the time it wishes, to proclaim the existence of the Divine Light and expose its wonders. He said everything, simply, without veil, without enigma, in a clear style, and accessible to all.