Philosophical Books and Texts

16th Century and earlier

1 The words of Father Aristeus to his son 1688 Aristeus
2 Of the Division of Chaos 1552 Simon Forman
3 An Alchemical Mass 1602 Melchior Cibinensis
4 Alchemical Catechism Baron Tschoudy
5 The Mirror of Alchemy 1597 Roger Bacon
6 Bloomfield's Blossoms 1557 Willm Blomefeild
7 Mary the Prophetess Mary the Prophetess
8 An Alchemical poem by Thomas Rawlin 1611 Thomas Rawlin
9 Summary of the Rosary of Arnold de Villa Nova Arnold de Villa Nova
10 Epistle on the Mineral Fire 1600 John Pontanus
11 The Secret Fire 1600 John Pontanus
12 Turba Philosophorum or Assembly of the Philosophers 900 Anonymous
13 Book of the Chemical Art - Liber de Arte Chemica 1518 Marsilio Ficino
14 Alchemy in the English State Papers 1500 Anonymous
15 A form and method of perfecting base metals 1546 Petrus Bonus
16 The Ripley Scroll: Text and 6 Different Images 1600 George Ripley
17 The Book Concerning The Tincture Of The Philosophers 1660 Paracelsus
18 The Aurora of the Philosophers - Aurora Philosophorum 1659 Paracelsus

17th Century

19 Aula Lucis or The House of Light 1651 Thomas Vaughan
20 Steganographic Collection from Le Tableau des Riches Inventions 1600 Stanislas Klossowski de Rola
21 Of Signatures, or a true and lively Anatomy of the Greater and Lesser World 1669 Oswaldus Crollius
22 Certain Colloquies of some Studious Searchers After the Hermetick Medicine and Universal Tincture 1689 Johann Rudolph Glauber
23 A Naturall Chymicall Symbolum 1597 Doctor Kunwrath Faciebat
24 Names of the Philosophers Stone 1652 William Gratacolle
25 Atalanta Fugiens or Atalanta Fleeing 1617 Michael Maier
26 The Work of Dickinson Allegorical Poem Edmund Dickinson
27 153 Chymical Aphorisms of Franciscus Mercurius van Helmont 1687 Franciscus Mercurius van Helmont
28 157 Canons of Franciscus Mercurius van Helmont 1687 Franciscus Mercurius van Helmont
29 Book of Lambspring Nicholas Barnaud Delphinas
30 The Theatre of Terrestrial Astronomy 1676 Edward Kelly
31 The Stone of the Philosophers 1676 Edward Kelly
32 The Light coming out of the Darkness Short Version Marc-Antonio Crassellame
33 Threefold Sophic Fire Verses 1705 William Y-Worth
34 The Tomb of Semiramis 1674 Anonymous
35 On the Philosophers Stone 1893 Arthur Edward Waite
36 Coelum Terrae 1650 Thomas Vaughan
37 The War of the Knights 1595 Johann Sternhals, Ritter-Krieg
38 The Adventures of an Unknown Philosopher 1646 Jean Albert Belin
39 On the Prima Materia 1612 Ruland
40 The Letter of a Philosopher Concerning the Secret of the Great Work 1688 Anonymous
41 The Natural round Physick or Philosophy of the Alchymical Cabalistical Vision Anonymous
42 An Hundred Aphorisms Containing the Whole Body of Magic Anonymous
43 A Short Enquiry concerning the Hermetic Art 1714 lover of Philalethes
44 The Hermetic Arcanum 1623 Jean d'Espagnet
45 Letter to the True Disciples of Hermes 1688 Alexandre Toussaint de Limojon
46 The Glory of Light Ms. Ashmole 1415. f61-70
47 Place in Space MS. Sloane 3797, folios 3-5.
48 Solinus Saltsthal Allegory 1654 Anonymous
49 Certain verses of an unknown writer, from Benedict Figulus 1608 Benedict Figulus
50 The Hermetical Triumph: or The Victorious Philosophical Stone 1689 Anonymous
51 The Iconologia of Cesare Ripa 1600 Cesare Ripa

18th Century and later

52 Two Prayers for Alchemists 1819 Karl Von Eckhartshausen
53 Freher's Process in the Philosophical Work Dionysius Andreas Freher
54 Apollogia Alchymiae A Restatement of Alchemy 1925 John M. Watkins
55 On the Philadelphian Gold 1697 Philochrysus and Philadelphus
56 Hermaphrodite Child of the Sun and Moon 1752 Anonymous

Quote of the Day

“He who knows the secret of the solution is acquainted with the arcanum of the Art, which is, to mingle kinds, and effectually to extract elements from elements which lie hid in them.”

Bernard of Trevisan

book addressed to Thomas of Bononia


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